chapter one:

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Tobin woke up and saw that her wife Alex was still snuggled up in her arms. So, Tobin decided to get up and check on Sammie their 3 year old daughter, and then cook them some breakfast. Just as  she was getting out of bed she felt warm soft hands grab her waist. Tobin looks down and sees a pair of beautiful crystal blue eyes staring up at her.

 “Good morning baby.” Tobin said kissing the top of Alex’s head softly.

 “Good morning babe.” Alex said pecking Tobin’s lips.

Just then Sammie comes running in the room and jumps on her parent’s bed.

“Good morning sweetie” Alex and Tobin said to Sammie.

“Morning mommy morning momma” Sammie says her adorable baby voice. “Mommy I hungry can we have breakfast now?”

“Oh of course sweetheart, I'll start making it now” Tobin said as she gets out of bed and heads down to the kitchen.

“Did you sleep good last night Sammie?” Alex asks

“Not so good mommy, I had a nightmare” says a now scared Sammie. Alex picks up Sammie and puts her in lap while starting to run her hands through her hair, knowing it always calms Sammie down.

“What was your nightmare about baby?”

“A big scary ghost was living in my closet and then he came out and ate me!” said a  frightened Sammie.

“Aww baby it's ok we all have nightmares but, they are not real. Plus momma will always be there to protect us.” Alex says as she hugs her daughter.

Sammie smiled up at her mother and said “Thank you mommy, you always make me feel better.” Alex just simply smiles and kisses Sammie’s check and holds her close.

“BREAKFAST IS READY!”Tobin screamed from inside the kitchen.

“Race ya!” yells Alex, as she jumps out of bed and starts running down the stairs with Sammie hot on her trail. Alex slows down a bit so Sammie could “beat” her. They run into the kitchen, and Sammie screams “Ha in your face mommy, I faster than you!”

Alex can't help but smile at how adorable her daughter sounds right now. “I guess you did, but I want a rematch later.” Alex says.

“Bring it on mommy” Sammie says with a competitive glint in her blue eyes as she walks over to a chair to sit.

Alex smiles and walks over to her wife, wrapping her arms around her waist while, Tobin finishes up whatever she is making on the stove.

“What are you making love?” Alex asks as Tobin shuts off the stove and turns around in Alex's arms giving her a quick peck.

“I made some pancakes, waffles, and bacon” Tobin says as she kisses her beautiful wife again.

“Yum sounds delicious, let's eat.” says Alex.

Alex and Sammie go to sit down at the table, while Tobin starts to bring all the food over to the table.

“Alright loves dig in” says Tobin as she grabs two pancakes and puts them on her plate. Sammie immediately grabs two of everything and practically starts to swallow her food.

“Hey Tobs, I promised Kelley we would go  over around 2:00.” Alex says.

“Okay sounds fun! I can't wait to see her and Hope, it's been forever.” said Tobin

“I know it will be a blast. Sammie are you excited to see your aunties?” Alex asked, while taking a bit of her pancakes.

“YES I can't wait to see them! I love them!” Sammie shouts with a mouth full of waffles.

“Sammie, baby, don't talk with your mouth full” says Tobin.

“Sorry Momma, I just so excited!” Sammie yells, while jumping up and down in her sit.

“Haha I know honey.” Tobin laughs while flashing her perfect smile at her daughter.

After they were all done eating, Alex and Sammie started to get ready, while Tobin was cleaning the kitchen. Alex got Sammie dressed into her little uswnt shirt and her little blue tutu. When Tobin finished cleaning the kitchen, she headed up to her and Alex’s room to get ready.

  Tobin opens their bedroom door, seeing her wife dressed in a red tank top, black leggings, with light makeup, and straightened hair. She slowly moves toward Alex and wraps her arms around her wife from behind. Tobin starts to slowly kiss up and down Alex’s neck, making sure nibble a bit on her wife's weak spot.

“Hmmmm….babe you didn't have to clean up, I would have hmmm….done it after I got Sammie and myself ready.” Alex practically moans out.

Tobin stops kissing her wife's neck and says “It's fine Lex, I wanted to.”

“You sure babe? I'll make sure to clean next time.” Alex says, while turning around in her wife’s arms, giving her a peck on her lips .

“Yes i'm sure baby. Let's head to Kelley's now.” Tobin says. Alex replies with a quick nod and kiss on the cheek, and walks away to get Sammie and bring her in the car. Sammie decides to bring her soccer ball, because she loves taking shots on Aunt Hope.

Alex decides to text Kelley to tell her they are on their way.

Alex: Hey Kel we should be over in about 10 minutes!

Kelley- Cool! Hope and I can't wait to see you guys!

Alex: Us too! See you soon Kel!

Kelley- See you soon!

  Five minutes later Tobin, Alex, and Sammie left their house and drive over to Kelley's and Hope’s. When they pull up to their house, Sammie immediately jumps out of her car seat, and out the car door.

“She’s crazy.” Alex says while watching Sammie run up to her friend’s door, and starts pounding on it.

“Just like you lex.” Tobin laughs watching her daughter scream for Kelley to open the door.

“Hey!” Alex pouts. Tobin quickly kisses her wife’s pout away. Tobin starts to pull away but, Alex wraps her arms around Tobin’s neck and pulls her in again. Tobin wraps her arms around her wife’s waist, and starts to return Alex’s kiss.

Just as Alex was going to deepen their kiss they were interpreted by “HEY LOVEBIRDS, STOP EATING EACH OTHERS FACES OFF, AND GET YOUR BUTTS IN THE HOUSE!” none other than their best friend Kelley O'Hara shout.

Alex and Tobin turn around to see a smirking Hope and Kelley, with their daughter on Hope’s shoulders. “Come on we don't have all day.” Kelley laughs.

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