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Silence struck the room as Len and Kaito stared at the person right in front of them. All (y/n) could do was stare back. Then Len put an angry look on his face as he walked up to (y/n).

"E-eh?! L-Len wh-what are you doing?! Gwah!" (y/n) screamed in pain as the angry Len punched his shoulder.

"That's what you get for leaving my sis!" He says angrily.

"K-K-Kaito... H-Help!" (y/n) says in a struggling voice.

Then even Kaito starts walking up to (y/n) and punches him in the other shoulder."Gahh!!"

"And that's what you get for making everybody else cry for a day!" He shouts angrily.After minutes of squirming around in pain (y/n) got up and sat down on the couch.

"So... where's the rest?" (y/n) asks as Kaito heads to the kitchen.

"Rin, Luka, and Miku are shopping today..." Kaito says as he comes back with snacks.

"Uh-oh! Seems like Mr.(yt/n) here misses his girlfriend!" Len says while seating beside (y/n) and eating a banana.

"Haha... whatever dude..." (y/n) says with a bit of sarcasm.

"Oh (y/n)... by the way I almost forgot about something!" Len says as he reaches into his pocket and hands a piece of paper to (y/n).

"What? What is it?" (y/n) says as he gets the paper and examines it to see the word Concert.

"Its a ticket to our newest concert coming this week!" Len says exitedly.

"Ah... sure I'll go..." (y/n) continues as he places the ticket to his wallet.

"So... (y/n)... how long are you staying?" Kaito asks curiously.

"Hm... probably for good this time..." (y/n) says as he eats his (f/f).

"Oh... that's great! Amazing!" Len says exitedly.

"Where are you staying?" Kaito continues his line of questions.

"Ah... eh... well... I don't know yet..." He replies with an awkward smile.

"You're always welcomed here dude..." Len replies as he gets up and throws the banana peel.

"Just make sure not to leave us and make Rin cry again..." He continues.

"Heheh... how much did she cry anyway?" (y/n) asks with a little smile.

"Well.. a lot..."


"H-Hey... R-Rin?" I ask as I knocked on the door of her room.

"Not... now... L-Len..." She says in between the sobs.

'Not good... its been three days since (y/n) left and Rin has been like this ever since...' Len thinks to himself.

"W-Well... uh... Kaito bought oranges..." Len says as he thinks it would work. It always worked but it didn't this time.

"Rin..." I said as I sighed.

"It won't work mate..." A familiar british voice called behind me.

"Huh? Oliver?"

"Its all my fault after all..." He says as he looks down.

"What? How is it your fault?"

"W-Well I-I saw the letter he left... I-I'm s-sorry, I-I didn't want any of this to happen..." He says as he starts to tear up.

"Its not at all your fault... I'll fix it I promise..."

"You better mate..." He says as he wipes his tears away and leaves.


"Uh... Len... you know we can't see what you are thinking of right?" (y/n) says in a laughing matter.

"Yea... well you can't but they can..." Len says as he stares at (y/n)'s eyes.

"Who?" (y/n) asks as he tilts his head.

"Okay... (y/n) have you ever had the feeling of being watched? But when you look around nobody is there?" Len continues as he does a smart pose.

"U-Uh... yea?"

"Well they are there... watching us, reading our minds as if they were simple words in a computer screen... knowing our every movement, they call themselves a lot of things, watchers, readers, viewers, its as if they are just reading fanfiction..." Len continues.

"Len stop confusing people..." Kaito says before it gets even more complicated.

"Look sorry (y/n) Len's been like this ever since he read some..." He continued.

"Oh-Ohkay..." He says in a confused tone.

"Oh! Its almost 9! I'm gonna go explore the house for a while!" (y/n) says as he exits through the back door.

"Sure (y/n)!" Kaito says as he waves his hand.

"(Y/N)?! WHERE?!" Rin shouted exitedly.

"Rin... he's just pranking you again..." Luka says as she lies down on the couch exhausted and Miku heads to her room.

"Oh! Rin! You're back! Uh... (y/n) went to the backyard..." Len says in a monotone voice as he points to the back door.

"REALLY?!" Rin then dashes to the backdoor then in a few seconds the front door opened.

"I never noticed the gate that leads from the front yard to the back yard!" (y/n) says in excitement.

"A-Ah... (y-y/n)?!" Luka asks shocked.

"Ah! Hey Luka!! Uh.. I'm still exploring so hold on for a minute!" (y/n) says as he heads for Kaito and Len's shared room, which was also his shared room before he left.

"You are a liar Len!" Rin yells as she pouts.

"A-Ah R-Rin! (y-y/n)!" Luka stutters as she points at the door frame to the shared room. Rin instantly gets the message and heads to to the room only to get out a few seconds later.

"Waaahh!! (y/n)!! He isn't there!!" Rin says as tears start falling from her face. Then the door behind her opens up.

"Hey guys! You never told me about- oof!" He accidentally bumps Rin causing both of them to fall on the ground.

"Ouch... h-hey..." Rin says as she holds the spot on which got bumped. But as she looked up she saw (y/n).

"(Y/N)!!!" She yells as she dashes to him and hugs him.

"Gah! R-RIN?!" (y/n) says as he hugs back.

"DON'T YOU DARE EVER LEAVE ME AGAIN!" Rin says angrily while crying.

"Hehehe... sorry Rin..." He says as he kisses her forehead.A few minutes of hugging and crying (y/n) notices that the crying soon stopped.

"Uh... Rin?" (y/n) asked curiously but she didn't respond.He then looked and saw Rin asleep on his arms.

"Woooo!! Got get her (y/n)!" Len shouted across the room.

"Len!" Kaito yelled

"Sorry Kaito!!"

"Everyone be quiet... she fell asleep..." (y/n) says as he picks her up. She was still holding on to him and it didn't seem like her grip was loosening anytime soon.

"A-ah sorry (y/n)..."He then entered Rin's room and lied her down on her bed. But she didn't let go.

"Rin? Not again... well it can't be helped..." (y/n) says to himself as he pecked Rin on the forehead and falls asleep beside her.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Jul 31, 2016 ⏰

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My Youtuber 2जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें