Tomorrow in your life - Chapter 17

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- So how are you? Asked Candy

- I'm hanging in there...

- What are the doctors are saying?

- They trying to reassure us the best way they can

- You know, I did some research on the Internet; in case nothing works, you can make another baby and hope...

- Candy, I'm one step ahead of you...

- Oh...Oh! Said Candy blushing

- You're really cute when you blush said Melissa smiling

The following week was the last one before the Easter vacations. Melissa and Philippe had been in the hospital with Carissa for almost three months. On Monday morning, the doctor who was taking care of Carissa, came to see them with a nice smile in Carissa's room.

- Melissa, Philippe he said, can I talk to you?

- Of course, doctor, said Melissa, let's go in the hallway

- Carissa, we're coming said Philippe

- Ok, daddy! Said the little girl

They went in the hall way, they didn't want to talk in front of Carissa

- Ok, Melissa, Philippe, we found a donor, who's a match for Carissa

- WHAT! Said the parents at the same time

- Yes, I just came back from the lab. It's the perfect donor, which is extremely rare in a non-family member

- Doctor, who's the donor? Do we know him or her? Asked Philippe

- Yes in fact it's you little protégée...said the doctor

- Candy... said Melissa instinctively

- Candy is a match? Said Philippe, that's wonderful!

- Yes Candy White Andrew is a perfect match for your daughter, said the doctor

- I knew there was a reason this young girl came into our lives, it was to save Carissa... said Melissa with tears in her eyes

- We're going to call the boarding school and ask permission to the principal so that Miss Andrew could come to the hospital immediately...

Candy was called in the reverend mother's office during the firs hour of the English class.

- You wanted to see me, reverend mother? Asked Candy coming in

- Yes, have a seat, please Miss Andrew

- Thank you.

- May Day hospital just called us. Mr. And Mrs Crane are asking for you. You have to go to the hospital immediately...

- Oh, my God! Did something happen to Carissa?

- I don't have any other information, aside that it's about their daughter Carissa... You can go change before you go to the hospital. Father Cyprian is going to take you with the school's vehicle.

- Thank you reverend mother. Goodbye, reverend mother

- Good bye, Miss Andrew

Candy went to change quickly, very very worried. Why did they call her in the middle of the morning? She had to let Terry know what was happening. She sent him a text message on his cell phone, telling him where she was, since she had to leave quickly. She didn't have time to go see him in his classroom. She arrived at the hospital almost running, she was afraid of what she would find.

- Melissa, Philippe she said arriving breathless, did something happen?

- Candy! Said Melissa hugging her hard, very hard for a long time and crying

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