Hospital Part 2

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Its been so far 6 months and i havent woken up from the coma and since i havent seen shawn for a while i decide to go see him since he is still here resting.


I go in his room and see him fully awake eating some pancakes with fruit and orange juice and  milk.

"Shawn?" I ask 

"Y/N, Your awake?" He asks

"Shawn... Im still in a coma." I answer

" Well... I get checked out today." He says

" Oh..." I say very sad just wondering if he would come back and see me

" Y/N, Ill come back but the nurses dont know if you'll ever wake up." He says in sadness

"Shawn, Im trying to wake up but i cant some how." I say

"Then the nurses said they might need to unplug the machines." He said

In that second i felt my heart drop like why would they unplug the machines i didnt even know i had machines connected and if i had machines connected that must mean i couldnt support my own body.

"Wait... I have machines attached to me?" I asked with a very longed pause in the beginning

" Yes you do." He answered with pain

" B-But... How?" I asked crying

"You cant support your body. You need the machines to help you breathe, if you dont have the machines then you'll die." He said now crying too

" If i cant support myself then why haven't they unplugged me? im practically dead." I asked 

" Because i told them to give you another chance at trying." He says

" Shawn, Im trying." I say

" I know." He says putting his head down

"Is there anything i can do to survive?" I ask

" Yes. You can get a transplant from someone else." He answers

" Like lungs?" I ask

" Yes. but you need to wait." He answers

" I will and till then ill wont give up." I say more happier having hope that i might get a transplant


2 years later....

Its been two years since i heard about the transplant and still nothing. I see Shawn in the waiting room.

" Shawn." I say

"Y/N, They got a transplant for you." He says very happily

"WHAT.. Really?" I yell knowing no one could help me

" Yes." He says very happy

"They said you have made a little more improvements." He added to the conversation

" Really. So when is the transplant?" I ask

" Next month." He says


One Month later.....

Shawn told me a month ago i would be getting a transplant from someone and today is the day finally.

" Please remove the machines." I hear the doctor say

" Yes sir." The nurse said quickly

" Please leave the breathing mask on." The doctor told the nurse

" Yes, Doc." The nurse said following all of the doctors instructions.

Then it was time to go into my own body and fight for my life and to be with Shawn.


5 hours later...

" Shes fine, The transplant was a success." The doctor said happily

" Thank god." Shawn said

" Whos gonna see her first she just woke up." The doctor asked

" Me." Shawn answered

" Okay come on." The doctor said walking towards a door that said room 201

I see Shawn walk through the door of room 201.

" Y/N, it was a success." He said happily

" I know they told me." I see adjusting myself 

"What Now?" He asks

" We get out of this Hostipal." I say

How was this part 2 send me feedback in the comments. cant believe i have 66 reads thats alot to me thank you guys so much love you guys to the moon and back :) xxo.

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