In the midnight hour (Liz and Red- Blacklist)

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“Are you awake?” Tom asked quietly as he put his hand on her shoulder. She tried oh so carefully not to move, debating whether or not to answer him. After a few seconds, Tom removed his hand and rolled over sighing. She hated that even now, she couldn’t look at him. He’s innocent she kept telling herself as she tried to go to sleep. But, she couldn’t force herself to believe it. Why would Red do this? she thought. There’s got to be more that he isn’t telling her. Why would a criminal like him, who was doing just fine avoiding the feds, turn himself in one day just to frame some guy.

After thinking about this for a while she slowly sat up and turned to Tom, nudging him gently. “Tom,” she whispered. “You awake?” She felt slight relief when he didn’t move, as she carefully got out of bed. Getting herself somewhat decent, she rushed quietly out of the apartment. She had no idea where she was going, she just needed to get out of there. She walked up a few blocks until she found a small coffee shop that was still open in the midnight hour.

After ordering her drink, she sat down at one of their outdoor tables, feeling relaxed by the breeze of the night. As she drank her coffee, she began observing people; the few people that were out. One couple stood out to her. A man and a woman going out on a late night walk. His arm around her, keeping her warm, as they talked about something like dealing with their pain in the ass boss. Liz looked away as she wished she could have that. She wish her biggest worry was dealing with a boss, or worrying about making it to the next pay check. Anything but this.

What she needed, was someone to talk to. Tom was not an option, being that she didn’t fully believe his innocence. Normally, she’d resort to Red, who would never really say much, but was a great listener. And when he did make comments, she knew he meant them. But, she wasn’t sure about him right now either. She just wanted the truth from him, none of this confusion and framing.

As an impulsive move, she whipped out her phone, and went to her contacts, making the call. She wasn’t really sure what to expect. Would he answer? He’s probably asleep. What would she say?

“Lizzie.” His voice sounded tired. Yep he’d been asleep. “You’re the last person I expected to be calling me at...” there was a pause as he looked at the clock. “1 in the morning”

“I need answers.” Liz simply said. “And none of your bull shit. I need the truth and all of it.”

There was a long pause as she could hear him inhale deeply. “Alright, where are you?”

She was taken off guard as she expected him to avoid the situation. “Um, the coffee shop a few blocks from my apartment.” She said, and she instantly heard the line go dead. She thought about what she’d just done. Was it bad that she called Red over Tom? What was she even go to say to him? She felt her heartbeat pick up as she tried to think about what Red would say. She got up, threw away her first coffee, and went up to buy another.

As she walked back outside, she saw Red sitting in one of the chairs smiling at her. It wasn’t his usual smirk, though. It was almost apologetic, sympathetic, and yet happy to see her at the same time. She sat down in the chair next to him, and glanced down at the flask in his hand.

“It’s a little late to be drinking, isn’t it?” She asked jokingly.

He let out a low laugh. “Technically, Lizzie, it’s early. And you’re already on your second cup of coffee and most people haven’t even woken up yet.” She smiled slightly at his comment.

He let out a sigh, turning to look her in the eyes. “So, what do you want to know?” he asked taking a sip of his drink.

Liz just sat there unsure of where to start. “Okay well let’s start with, what do you know about Tom?”

He shook his head smiling. “Yes or no questions only my dear.” She looked at his puzzled.

“Seriously?” Her voice showed her irritation.

“You’re lucky I’m even offering that.” He said.

She sat there in silent realizing she should just take what she could get.

“Is Tom innocent?”

“No one is ever truly innocent. From....” He started

“I want a real answer.” She snapped interrupting him.

“It’s not that simple...”

“Nothing is that simple with you!” Liz shouted, not realizing how loud she’d gotten. She sighed running her hands through her hair.

“You’ll understand all of this soon,” Red said placing his hand palm up on the table. “Just trust me.”

This comment almost made her laugh as she thought of their first meeting. Where he told her NOT to trust him. How could she, now that all the evidence was pointing at him. As if he set this all up.

“Please.” his voice became quiet at this last plead. She looked up into his eyes, which had been gazing at her.She really did want to trust him. Since day one, he’d never steered her wrong. He’d never turned her back on her. He did everything in his power to keep her safe. It made her wonder, did he have feelings for her? There were multiple occasions, more than she’d like to admit, that she’d hoped he did. She’d felt some sort of attraction to him since the beginning, but she pushed them away.

“Yes.” he said. And she looked at him puzzled. She hadn’t said any of that outloud.

“I didn’t ask anything.”

“No, but I can tell by your eyes. They were practically screaming it at me.” He smiled.

She rolled her eyes as she gently placed her hand in his on the table. He smiled at this, wider than she’d ever seen him smile before.



This is simply a one part story. Not really fluffy, or anything really, I just finished watching episode (like I LITERALLY just finsihed it) and I hated how it ended between Liz and Red, so this made me feel better. At least, now in my mind, everthing's all good. 

In the midnight hour (Liz and Red- Blacklist)Where stories live. Discover now