Titan levi x reader

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Ok. I'm not exactly a fan of this anime but I do like some of the fanfic made around AoT so sorry if I make mistakes.
Levi pov

~three years ago~

"Only 60% would survive and in four years most would be dead." Erwin's gaze never left the brats- ahem cadets. I watched as some nervously walked away when a daring voice spoke up from the small crowd of cadets. "How do you think your goona die if you walk away? Sickness? Starvation? Old age?," My eyes narrowed slightly as she spoke. When i finally pin pointed the origin of the voice she proudly placed her fist above her heart and exclaimed, "Well I'm goona die in battle or no death at all! At least if I die fighting I know I helped in some small way!" She grined recklessly and proudly. "Tch. Brat, an attitude like that will get you killed." I responded to her remark in my monotone voice. Her eyes fixated on my own and she replied. "With all due respect sir, I am completely sure that we all realize that we will eventually die but we are willing to take the risk. I am willing to take the risk, for the future of humanity and this world." Her gaze never leaving me and her voice never faltering. I was secretly impressed by her willingness to dive into battle and yet scared of what would happen if she were to loose her fighting spirit. I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose, and at the same time, breaking eye contact with her. "Fine brat but it's not my fault if you loose your life on your first battle." I look up to see her reckless grin and the light of determination in her eyes. Does this damn brat ever stop smiling? "Of course not sir. If I die it's my own fault." I nod and turn to address the other cadets. "I am Lance Corporal Levi, you got that brats. Now get to work, all of you. Dismissed." I turn around to walk back to my office. I'll have to keep an eye on the cadet. I'm slightly interested to see how she progresses. I walk away slightly lost in my thoughts.

~present day~

Your pov

It's been a year and a half since Corporal Levi has fallen in battle and less and less people are joining the survey corps. Honestly it's kinda worrying but I gotta keep my head high. I rode into the forest where there have been rumors of a powerful Titan residing. I'm now a squad leader and Commander Erwin has order that we 'take care' of it. It was not long before we found the remains of some cadets. Sadly I was able to recognize the body's of two of them. Armin, Horseface, I'm sorry that we have to meet like this. I rip my gaze from their lifeless and broken body's and fixate on the road a head of me. I heard the worried murmurs of my squad behind me as they look around to see that the leaves on the trees are splattered red. "We must not let fear seap into our hearts. If we do we are sure to lose! Now are you ready to be bathed in blood or not!?" I turned around and gave them my signature grin. I watched as they immidiotly brightened up and raise their fists into the air. A collective "YA!!" rose from their throats as we speed up and race through the forest. In no time we were face with the Titan. It was supriseingly short for how powerful it supposedly was. It had steel grey eyes and slightly long raven black hair. I mused my self on how much it looked like our deceased Lance Corporal. "TO BATTLE!" I cried out and used my gear to get close to the Titan.

Titan pov

More humans? Well looks like I found dinner. I watched as the female suddenly launched herself right at me. "Try to catch me Titan!" Her hair flowed out behind her as her eyes shone with confidence. For some reason she reminded me of someone but I quickly snapped out of it. That cow I ate must have been bad. I tryed to bat her away but she swerved out of the way. She swong infront of me again and gave me a reckless grin. "Well I'm gonna die in battle or no death at all!" I shook my head in frustration and grabbed her out of the air with my massive hand. If I crush her these weird dreams or what ever they are will stop. She suddenly looked me dead in the eye and gave me another reckless grin. Suddenly one of the other humans flew towards my hand, raised a sword and sliced into my finger. I roared in pain and dropped her. While she was falling she shouted something I didn't expect. "IM NOT GOING TO DIE LIKE THIS! IF I DIE ITS IN BATTLE, NOT SOME PETTY FALL!!" She suddenly shot upwards and looked at me but this look was different. Her usual grin was replaced by her teeth being bared. Her usually confident eyes were suddenly overcome with a new emotion, pure rage. She let out an animalistic roar and flew right at me. My eyes widen in suprise and I take a step back when I found that the nape of my neck had been slit. My eyes widened to the size of the moon and I stumbled backwards. My hand seized my throat as I tryed despretly to stop the slow river of blood. I tumbled down onto my back and the weird female landed on my nose. "So Levi, when were you planning on telling us that you turned into a Titan?" My eyes widened even further as I heard the name. It-it seemed so natural to be called that. "L-levi?" I managed to choke out. It was her turn to be suprised. "So he talks? Heh it's funny. Where's the usual tch, it's corporal to you brat? Don't tell me that you've gotten soft sir." She watched me with amusement. "W-what the hell d-do you mean h-human female." I glared at her with as much coldness as I could muster but she simply ended up laughing. "Oh come now. Don't tell me you have forgotten your favorite cadet sir." Favorite ca- "Cadet Y/N! What the hell do you think your doing brat!?" "I'm cleaning the hall sir. Just like you asked" "Salute when I approach damn it!" "Ok sir" "THATS NOT THE SALUTE IDIOT CADET!!" "Ha-ha are you sure sir? I think the bird is the perfect salute for you Levi." "Corporal!" "Fine Corporal Levi." "Tch, your such a brat." "And yet you seem to enjoy my company sir." "Pfft as if cadet. Your to much of a brat." "And yet you love me" "No I don't you damn brat!" "That blush tells a different story sir~" "Shut up." "Heheheh." "Judging by the look on your face I think you finally me remembered sir." She gave me a gentil smile. "Welcome back sir." She started walking to where she slit my name and reached into the wound. As she did I felt my consciousness slip and darkness swallow me up.

Your pov

I reached into Titan Levi's wound hoping to feel something other than Titan flesh. My fingers suddenly brushed against something that felt like blood cloted hair. My eyes widened and I reached further in to find that there was someone in the Titans flesh so I grabbed on and pulled. I felt arms wrap around my stomach and pull with me. I turn around to see one of my squad members helping me pull. I smiled greatfully at them and pulled even harder. Soon enough all of my squad was helping my pull the body from the nape of the Titan. With one last heave we pulled the body free and we were all panting slightly. When I went to check his pulse I whispered "You have put on some weight sir. Let's hope that my horse can carry us both."

Levi pov

"...sir." I hear a familiar voice say. I couldn't make out the rest bug I heard 'sir' as clear as day. I forced my eyes to open and I was immidiotly blinded by light. Damn light. I soon adjusted to the brightness and I saw what I thought was an angel at first with her (long/ medium/ short) hair and the sun behind her giving her a certain glow but I soon realized that it was just cadet Y/N. She might as well be an Angel. She is as beautiful as one and as kind as one. I had always tryed to ignore how I felt about my 'angel' but I simply couldn't. Not anymore atleast. So i reached out slowly, towards her face. "S-sir!? Your awake!? That's good but you should rest. It's been a while since you've been human and-" I cut her off by gently touching her cheek. I ran my thumb over her cheek and let a small smile make its presence known on my lips. "My favorite cadet huh? Not by a long shot. But mine seems more accurate." My voice rasped since I haven't used it in a while. "Y-yours sir?" I watched as a blush over took her face. "Yes. Mine." I sat up which made her back up a bit and I didn't like that she backed up. "S-sir you must still be tired." Her blush spreading over her face even faster made my smile a little more apparent. I pulled her closer to me and I wrapped my arms around her stomach and waist. I buried my face into her neck and said "Listen, you are mine and that's about as much of a confession you will ever get from me when I'm in front of other brats. You got that? Your mine!"

A/n How was that for my first one shot? Honestly I don't think it's all that good but you never know what others think.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2016 ⏰

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