"Don't!" Ludwig barked furiously, wrenching his arm away from the young man, giving him a look of dire warning. Feliciano shut his mouth, taking a hesitant step back. The German sighed, his anger flooding quickly into what Feliciano recognised as despair, raking his fingers into his blond hair again. "Seriously Feli just don't because right now I'm just about ready to kill myself..." he whispered, clenching his eyes shut.

Feliciano stared at him. "Ludwig-"

"Morning love birds!" the cheerful voice of the American prison guard sounded as he beamed at the two of them from outside their cell, getting his keys out of his belt. "Heard all about what you two were doing last night!"

"WHAT!?" Ludwig yelled suddenly, storming over to the bars of their cell. "What did you hear?" he demanded, his pale face going slowly red.

Alfred looked at Arthur beside him in confusion. "Uhhh...Arthur told me what he saw you guys doing last night." he said awkwardly, looking rather annoyed. "Maybe you could be a little more polite?"

"What did he say!?" the German raged, his dark eyes flicking from the American to the Brit.

Alfred glared at him. "My God would you calm down already? He just said you guys were cuddling cause you'd had a nightmare...not a big deal." he said irritably, rolling his eyes as he unlocked their door and slid it open. "What the hell you getting so worked up about?"

Ludwig growled in frustration, his cheeks flaming bright red he hurriedly stormed out of their cell, practically running down the long corridor to get away from them and join the rest of the inmates heading down to breakfast, his angry hissing and snarling ensuring a wide girth was kept at all times. Arthur watched him disappear, his rather large eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Is everything alright with him?" he asked the Italian who was still stood alone in the cell.

Feliciano shrugged slightly as he shuffled over, knotting his fingers together anxiously as he followed the prison guards down the corridor towards the cafeteria. "I don't know..." he murmured, keeping close to the Brit's side.

"Must just be a reaction from his night terrors." Arthur said reassuringly, smiling slightly. "You know he's never gotten help for it."

"...what do you mean?"

"Well he could speak to a counsellor, we've got several employed here." the Brit informed him, herding Feliciano and the rest of the inmates out of block D. "But whenever anyone suggests it he won't hear of it."

The Italian nodded slowly, frowning slightly. "I don't think that's why he's acting like this though..." he said quietly so the Brit couldn't hear; Alfred pushed his way through the crowd to get to the heavy metal door, unlocking it so that everyone could file through to the cafeteria.

Feliciano could easily spot Ludwig in the crowd, normally the German didn't attempt to intimidate other inmates if he could help it, he'd just stand still and not interact with anyone. But this morning Ludwig's fiery temper was in overdrive, he was still grunting angrily and he was making threatening gestures at anyone who dared to breath near him. When the blond forced his way unnecessarily violently through the crowd into the cafeteria and the rest of the block followed, Feliciano gently grabbed Arthur's arm before he could follow after. "Um, Arthur?"

The Brit smiled at him. "Yes?"

Feliciano ignored the American prison guard giving him evil looks as he touched the Brit and carried on. "Um, do you think maybe I could go and see Elizaveta?" he asked anxiously.

"What now?" Arthur question; the Italian nodded. "Why, are you unwell?"

"No I just I...I think I need to speak to her..." Feliciano said softly, looking hopeful.

Shades of Innocence (A GerIta FanFic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें