"No, I can't." Arthur said, surprising firm and straight to the point.

Feliciano frowned in confusion. "Oh...are you sure?"

Arthur sighed, "Yes, I'm sorry Feliciano but that's one of our most important rules in here, prisoner confidentiality, we're not really even supposed to discuss the crimes amongst us guards, but especially not with other inmates...for protection." he clarified.

"Protection?" Feliciano inquired.

The Brit nodded, lowering his voice slightly as he spoke to the Italian. "You may not think it, but people in here do understand the concept of indecency, certain crimes are still considered barbaric and inhumane even by men who have committed crimes of their own." he sighed inwardly as Feliciano gave him a vacant look. "...you know...sexual assaults, particularly on children." he muttered, sending the Italian's eyebrows skyrocketing. "We have to keep details of inmate's crimes secret otherwise their lives would be in serious danger, especially inmates incarcerated for those reasons, prisoners who have children of their own would be out to kill them."

Feliciano nodded slowly as he understood. A wave of nausea suddenly flipped his stomach and made him feel sick. "...and Ludwig, he's not, I mean he didn't...?" he stammered with wide eyes.

The Brit shook his head. "No. I can tell you than much at least, no it's nothing to do with anything of that nature." he said firmly.

"Oh right..." Feliciano said quietly with a sigh of relief. The Italian was drawn to the German again; he'd been in prison long enough to build up a reputation for himself, and long enough for his night terrors to be renowned. He bit his lip in thought, "...can you tell me how long his sentence is?" he asked the Brit.

"Life." Arthur replied shortly.

Again the Italian's stomach suddenly felt quite sick, "Really? So...so what he did must have been really bad!" he squeaked, his chest giving that familiar clench of unease.

Feliciano could have sworn he saw a flicker of something cross the Brit's face, as is practising serious restraint, but perhaps he imagined it. "...right well I better get off." he muttered hurriedly, spotting Alfred some way off he swiftly tried to make his way over.

"Wait Arthur..." Feliciano called, going after him, sidestepping around a large crowded table, and giving it a wide girth, to reach the Brit. "...do you think Ludwig would tell me about his crime? I mean...if I asked?" he questioned in a whisper.

Arthur took a long time to answer, large eyebrows creasing with the struggle in his mind. "I don't know Feliciano, it might just be safer to never mention it." he said awkwardly, glancing back at Alfred's annoyed face. "...however," he muttered, turning back to the Italian. "If curiosity does get the better of you I'd warn you be careful about what you say...and more important than that...be understanding."

With that, the Brit went after his friend, or boyfriend, or spouse...whatever those two were, and left the Italian alone. Feliciano wasn't quite as scared as he used to be now that the other inmates seemed to think he was indeed Ludwig's bitch, and therefore off limits, the German defending him countless times had proved that enough. The Italian's breakfast had vanished from the serving station, someone had clearly helped themselves, he didn't care. The door to the courtyard was already open anyway and Feliciano could go out for a walk and think long and hard about how to bring up the subject of Ludwig's crime...


Feliciano was surprised by what Ludwig did the second they were let back into their cell in the afternoon. He'd spent an intensely awkward lunch sat with the dismal blond, whereby the German didn't eat a thing, and the Italian was dreading the even heavier solitude that would follow when they were finished and went back to their confinement...he was tempted to go about finding some work again to avoid the situation.

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