Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Jess, Harry, Hermione, and Dog stood before a giant blast ended skrewt. It was at least sixteen feet wide. And 8 feet long. With scales that shined in the sunlight like razor beams of lightness. And teeth that were green and muddy with grass that it spit up.

As time started back up again around the group, they could suddenly hear the roar of a crowd. When they looked around they realized that they were standing in a giant rocky stadium.

"I told you not to just spin it at random." Hermione chided. "This will surely ruin history as we know it."

On the other side of the blast ended skrewt stood a tall boy with dark, messy hair, and broken glasses. Jess knew in an instant who it was. Harry freaking Potter. She couldn't bare to deal with two of them.

Harry stood, staring at the boy in awestruck wonder. "That's my dad!" He cried, trying to break into a run towards Future Harry, but Hermione grabbed his arm.

"You idiot! That's not your dad! That's you from the future! And if Future You saw you now, you'll try to kill yourself, you ninny!"

"But look at his beard, Hermione! My only memory of him he had that beard! Patchy and poorly grown! It's him, I'm telling you!"

"No, I'm telling YOU! Jess, tell him I'm right! You got us into the mess!"

"Um, if you're gonna talk to me like that, there is NO WAY I'm siding with you, lady." Jess said stubbornly, folding her arms and backing up, under the beams that held the Stands up. Jess looked up, imagined being with all the Slytherins above, bouncing up and down, making the floorboards creak. She wondered if she was up there now, her future self.

Now that all of the cheering was above her, her ears weren't so stressed out. That was when she heard the soft breathy mumbling of HE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED. After encountering him twice, she would know that breath anywhere.

She turned around expecting to come face to face with Quirrel, but instead found a young boy in a green getup looking up at her.

"S'cuse me ma'am, I was watching the show." He said, his eyes under a mop of red hair. But he didn't look anything like a weasley. He stomped his foot angrily, he was wearing darker green sacks as shoes, it looked like.

In the young boys arms was a big baby thing. But it didn't look like a baby. It looked like an old wrinkly man the size of a big baby. And most suspicious of all, the soft breathy bumbling was coming from the big baby. But she decided not to mention it.

"Well maybe you should grow up." She said. Peter gasped, touching a hand to his heart.

Then Sirius Black appeared behind Jess, he growled through his human teeth. "Well if it isn't the little sniveling PETER PANNOGROOVE. TWELVE YEARS. IN AZKABAN. I WAITED TO KILL YOU."

Sirius raised his hand up high, curled like a claw, and aimed for Peter's neck.

"But, Sirius! The baby!" Jess cried, reaching out to touch his shoulder! Jess ran up to Peter's side, snatching the ugly bundle out of his weirdly-proportioned arms and stumbled away as Sirius advanced.

As Jess ran back to join the group, she watched as the two Harrys slayed so hard, killing the Skrewt with the last blast of a soapy cleaning spell into each end of the creature, it fell dead.

Their Harry ran at them, yelling, "Get ready to get us out of here!"

Hermione gathered everyone around, Sirius was suddenly there, mumbling about how he "only got one ear", and wrapped the giant necklace around their necks. Harry ducked under, twisting the knob at random, and time and space surrounded them.

The scenery changed from rocky mountain to dark grass, and graves. Tall angels loomed around them with stone faces. The baby in Jess's arms began to cry. Jess bounced it a little. Then she almost dropped him. But caught him at the last minute, by the blanket he was wrapped in.

"There there." She whispered softly. "You'll be fine." But it kept crying so she began to sing Beautiful Soul by Jesse McCartney. Almost instantly, the baby stopped crying.

"See, I told you that you would make a beautiful mother." A soft familiar voice drifted from the shadows, and Tom Randle floated out of the darkness, smiling so all you could really see of him were his perfectly white teeth.

"You never told me that." Jess replied, with a strong desire to throw the baby back on the ground, just to spite him.

"Oops, wrong time-line!" He laughed it off like it was no big deal, but that comment left Jess even more cold and dead inside than usual.

But she had no time to dwell on it; from across the field they were standing in flashed a piercingly bright light.

Peter PanNOgroove attempted to moonwalk backwards out of the shadows to greet everyone, but his boyishly small legs could not handle the coolness of the dance move, and he stumbled quite a few times. His green little shorts rode up on his legs and gave him a wedgie too.

He pulled at his shorts as he turned around, and spat at the kids. "Tricked ya, tricked ya, you smelly teenagers."

"Grab the boy." A sinister voice said. Jess looked down at the baby in her arms to find that the voice came from the baby itself. Peter PanNOgroove and Tom Randle jumped up and at Harry Potter without hesitation. Harry squeaked, but he wasn't fast enough on his feet to get away. Tom held him down as Peter took out a knife half as long as he was tall. But he wasn't very tall.

Peter dragged the knife across Harry's arm, and then dripped Harry's blood into a cauldron. Tom got off of Harry and came towards Jess.

"Give me the baby, you gorgeous mummy, you." He said.

"No!" Jess screamed. But in her haste to get away from him, the baby slipped out of her grasp.

Tom caught it, just as its head hit the ground. Then Tom stumbled and tripped over himself, and landed on top of the baby.

"You're going to be a horrible father." Jess said, shrugging.   

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