"That doesn't concern you".

"Of course it does" He said, sternly standing up. "Its rude and nosy to snoop into other peoples business".

"How dare you!" I took a step towards him. "Its not in the slightest rude, nor nosy to snoop into business, that involves my mother!" He swallowed, seeming tense. "What you think I wouldn't find out? It was bound to happen sooner or later" I folded my arms. 

"I don't know what you mean." He rubbed his hands together before placing them quickly in his pockets.

I raised my eyebrows. "Really your still not going to give up on that little act of yours, even after what I just told you?"

"I don't know what to say" he stated.

"Fine suit yourself."

"I don't recall your mother being here Elissa"

I slammed a hand down on the counter, making him jump. "Don't lie to me! You know very well she was here, since you were the one that checked her in!"

I took the keys out of my pocket and showed them to him. His faced dropped once his eyes had set on them.

"Where did you find them Elissa?" he gaped, looking at the rack, even though he knew that I hadn't taken it from there.

"It doesn't matter where I got them from, what I want to know is who or what they are for and why a copy was made?"

"I asked, where did you get them? he growled.

"Ill tell you, once you tell me what you know about my mother and why she came here!" I spat. I turned the computer around abruptly so it was now facing me. I typed in room '11' and scrolled till I found the name. I could see he seemed put off that I had caught him, but I needed to know why she was here. I turned it back around in his face again.

"And don't even bother lying to me." His eyes scanned the page I showed him.

"This is just a coincidence." I snorted.

"Just a coincidence? That's funny considering there are no other Jameson's around here except for me! Oh and for your information, my mothers name is Rebecca, but I'm sure your little brain already knew that."

His stare on me hardened, to the point I felt extremely uncomfortable. Suddenly, something jolted my memory of last night's dream. The same stare he had in his face  right now was the face he showed right before he stabbed my mother. I looked up at him again and without thought, I grabbed him and pushed him against the wall.

"What aren't you telling me, why are you doing this to me? This is my mother!" Tears started to stream down my cheeks. He continued to stare at me.

"Damn it Norman, please! Just explain what you know!" I yelled. I could see he was stunned by my desperation.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." I had had it with him.

His eyes grew almost darker and scarier, than what they were. He was hiding something. My eyes grew wide as a dreaded thought popped in my head. I shook my head trying to take it out, but my mouth said otherwise.

"You did it, didn't you?" I closed my eyes shut shaking my head, knowing that this couldn't have been possible.

"Did what?" He had a almost faint smirk on his face, waiting for me to say it so that his smirk could plaster the whole of his mouth.

"You...you killed her, didn't you?" I had no idea what I was saying, but I had to get Norman to co-operate with me.

His face dropped, as if I had just confessed a big secret myself.

"Wh-what are you talking about I did no such thing!"  he yelled, trying to get my hands off him.

"You liar!" I didn't know what to believe anymore. Tears had by now, stained my cheeks, and the anger and frustration that was building up inside me, increased by the second. I could no longer hold it in. I clenched my fist and punched him. Twice, to be precise.

He stood their motionless against the wall. As if he was unconscious, but still aware of his surroundings. His eyes were wide open, staring into emptiness.

Then I saw it. Blood began to ooze out from the side of his head and nose. My eyes grew wide and suddenly it felt as though the once hazy trance my state of mind was in, had returned to reality. He stood dazed, no emotion written on his face. He literally looked blank, as if he himself, had been taken out of his body. I  had just realised what I had done. I had been in such a state, I didn't know what came over me. I shakily let go of him and covered my mouth with my hands, regret and fear consuming me. I had taken it too far.
"Norman... I'm so sorry." I shakily whispered. I ran out of the motel reception as fast as my legs could take me, not looking back inside.

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Nov 29, 2016 ⏰

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