Chapter One

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Athena immediately jumps up and hugs Jason. They the share a kiss that lasted a few seconds when they found a beach. A city line. Land. A new home full of opportunity.

Aquaria had a home in this city. 3 bedroom. One was for a couple of some sort and the other was a room that had two beds two dressers, all of that so that must have been a shared room.

Soon, they reach the beach and tried to go in where the docks were with the other boats. They got in and stopped the boat. Athena grabs the money that contained over a million dollars and put it in a bag.

"I wish we could just get out of this closet" Becca says. "Wait.. we're in a closet?" questions Jay. "Um..yeah. We have been this entire time." replies Becca. "Oh." Jay finishes. Jay gets his live grenade and blows the door open. The closet door has been locked shut but they have been able to see what was going on outside the door. They stay still and then look up.

No burn marks. Everything seems to be alright. Becca thinks to herself. She then looks over at Jay. I don't see anything on him either. I think we're all okay then..heh..good. Becca continues to say to herself in her mind. She gets up and so does Jay.

Becca and Jay jumped on the boat Athena and Jason were on and went to the room they were in. Athena and Jason were about to leave the boat until they heard a crash just inside the boat.

Becca had dropped her sports bag almost overflowing with hentais in her hentai collection. "Why did you bring that?!" Jay asks. " else am I supposed to get the pleasure life?" Becca says while chuckling as she picks up the bag. Becca never once has masturbated and doesn't plan to. "Wow." Jay says. "Just wow."

Athena runs down to the room Becca and Jay were in and began questioning them. Jay had what happened to Jason happen to him. His parents were brutally murdered in front of him and so Jay his in a closet. Becca found him and so then they were trapped in that closet. Becca had her parents die of lung and liver cancer. Tragedy. But now, Becca and Jay are immortal. That only happens if one from a certain universe becomes locked in another.

And so in the city of Sakura they went...

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