Chapter 2

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Lauren's Pov

When I woke up zoie had told me we were going to meet Simon Cowell at 3:30 at some building (she has all the details). And it was currently 11:56.

So I played in my phone for a bit, then decided to check snapchat, well Isaac had sent me some long paragraph about how he needed me.

Well me and Isaac had a past we dated for about 2 years or so until one day i had caught him cheating. Well low and behold he done it 5 times and i didn't end it the first time. He hit me and all sorts of stuff. So I suddenly had enough and I broke up with him the next day after he took me to Coachella. (Probably misspelled that)

Anyway I got a random message saying if I disnt call him he would be gone. So I step out on the balcony with a blanket and cigarettes. (Don't smoke kids its dangerous) yes im 16 and yes my family knows I smoke.

So randomly called him and listened by the time he was done it was 2:30 and im not ready for this meeting.

After I got ready we left zoie already called an uber and he was out there waiting on us.


As we pulled up to this huge sky scrapper I freak out I start to pull a cigarette out and zoie smacked my hand and said after the meeting with that, i sprayed some perfume and walked in.


There was Simon waiting on us. walked I walked in first being sassy that I am and zoie went behind me.

Simon- well lets get straight on with this. If you girls agree on signing with us for 6 years, we can put you out there in gonna let all talk it out while I go get us some waters.

"Well zoie, lets do this it will be are time to shine we will be one of them zo, it will be me and you! What do you say?"

"Lets do this thing Lauren!"

With that Simon came in and asked if it was yes or no.. We obviously said yes now were suddenly signing papers and getting our banks accounts made for us and they are putting the first pay check it for us. We both got 10,000 for accepting the job.

With that Simon said we have 2 months to write songs while he finds us a band and in 2 week we have our first interview.

Then randomly this nerdy looking lady came in and made us give her all of our social media passwords and usernames and saying that she would make Misfits social media accounts.

After an hour we were on our way to our new bank to get our credit cards and sign our papers for our bank accounts.

I looked at Zo and say "both of our parents need to know now or were fucked cause did you see how much they will sue us if we break that contract and we for damn sure don't have money like that."

With that we went to the hotel room and called her parents let's just say that we our officially going to be grounded forever.

. yes Lauren smokes for be stress she has.

Thanks for reading, nicholle.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jul 07, 2016 ⏰

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