c h a p t e r 2

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"I'm so sorry" I  look down and apologize to the stranger I just bumped in, my eyes met with a pair of blue ones "Kyría mou, already falling for me I see" he says with a slight smirk, kyría what? He puts his arms around my waist to steady me, I just stare at him, no emotion in my face whatsoever. "It was a joke" he says waiting for a non given  response "You were supposed to laugh" He sighs "See even your friend is laughing" He points at El who is laughing  just as she walks away not before winking at me and giving a thumbs up.

"Yeah I get that" I utter looking back at him "Then why aren't you laughing?" He asks with his hands now on his pockets as he bends down so our faces are only millimeters away, a strand of his brunette hair falls on his face, I can feel his breath, he smells so manly I must say "Because it wasn't witty it was rather lame" I admit shrugging my shoulders "Who are you?" I ask "I've never seen you around"

"You don't know me? well that's new" He says tilting his face forward, he's nose roses my cheek which makes me blush furiously.

"I'm Thaddeus Ambrose" He whispers in my ear seductively. "Now talking about lame, want to know what's really gimp?" He says with an evil grin on his face looking past me, I turn around to find my jealous boyfriend glaring at me, if looks could kill I'll be dead by now, he's  arms are crossed over his chest and he looks pissed.

"Now that is lame" He chuckles mischievously. "Victoria what in the world do you think you are doing?" Nolan asks in a very possessive way. "We were just having a little chat, isn't that right Victoria?" He says my name in a very particular way, very slow&seductive I find myself staring at his lips as he does so as if I was in some kind of trance, that doesn't last long as I'm abruptly pulled away from him. "Let's go Victoria" Nolan pleas, holding my arm so tight it hurts. "Don't tell me what to do!" I yank my arm away, he looks at me in disbelief.

"Don't  touch me" I say pushing him away and storming off, I go into the janitors closet and throw everything there is, the brooms, the cans, the cleaning products, even the toilet paper!  it was mess.

There's times where I ask myself why I'm even dating this guy, we don't even like the same things, we got nothing in common he's just like my father a selfish-workaholic. I'm furious right now, I've had it and If I were an animated cartoon there will be steam coming out of my ears.

"Well someone looks pissed" I hear a familiar voice say "You" I scream poking his chest vigorously. "Me?" His eyebrow raises and he points at himself as well. "It's your fault" I accuse him, he just chuckles. "Oh I see how this is now" He says "what are you talking about?" I ask confused yet angry.

"I mean ... I don't know if I'm mistaken, but the vibe I'm getting from this whole situation is, that you are no other than daddy's little girl, you always get what you want, everyone loves you and blah, blah, blah; However, in order to get away with everything you must always behave, follow the rules, you know be a good girl, because daddy is a very well known man, isn't him?" He asks and proceeds, the nerve. "And now your boyfriend, who daddy probably picked for you to help with his business, is beyond pissed. So you are blaming it all on me, the guy you just met a few minutes ago" He implies smirking and my palm connects with his face in one swift motion, the sound echos in the room and the sound rumbles in my ears, I look at my hand as I if it was some kind of strange  object.

He wasn't far from the reality, I look at him and he looks pleased, pleased that I slapped him?!  "What is this, National jerk day?" I yell indignantly as I  walk away, yet again and arrive late to my history class.

I despise that class, my father constantly hires tutors for me in hopes I will finally learn.

Of course I can't afford having bad grades, after all my father wouldn't allow such thing. Thats why i try to concentrate in this class and since I  have no distractions, I do concentrate although the information isn't always retained by my brain.

I sat down on my regular sit waiting for the class to begin, thinking about that guy, What was his name again? Oh yeah Thaddeus Ambrose. "Where have I seen him before?" I ask myself tapping my chin "Oh well" I say brushing it off, Danielle a girl I don't really talk to, sits right beside me, I look at my watch, it's been 20 minutes since the class started and Mr. Reedus  is nowhere to be found. And I thought I was late.

All of the sudden he walks in, but hes not alone "Class we have a new student with us" the new student walks in and every girl in the room goes nuts even some of the guys "Oh my God, I cant believe it's him" Danielle shrieks in disbelief. She's starstruck. "His name is..." this must be a joke "Thaddeus Ambrose" we say in unison and every single person in the class turn their heads towards me.

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