a few years

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A few years after they noticed she kept falling they took her to the doctor. They said she had the weakest legs they've seen.
Now what says her mom
The doctor says that they need to let them get stronger on their own.
The little girl fell and hit her head but didn't cry she just got up and pointed at her head.
Her mom commands talk whats wrong
She gives a look like never mind it's nothing and she walks away. But quietly she says Teesa that's how people said her name. Her name was actually Teresa.
Two years later
First day of kindergarten her mom yells to her
She immediately gets out of bed and gets ready.
Teresa are you ready
She walks out of her room and nods her head yes.
Ok go outside for the bus.
She listens and gets on the bus.
First day of school and she goes to the corner.

Life Maybe HardOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora