Chapter 18

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Ed and I both woke up around the same time. Ed said it was still dark outside so he turned on a lantern and started reading to me again.

I sat close to him and put a pillow on his leg and laid down. I felt him playing with my hair with one hand as he read.

"Hey Ed," I say to my almost boyfriend, "let's get the others up and start walking." I told him.

He agreed and got Darius and Heinkel up. I took down the tent and got rid of any evidence that we stayed the night here.

I heard Ed walk behind me. It was almost impossible to sneak up on me, unless I was deep in thought.

I got back onto his shoulders and we started walking again. Ed and I talked and laughed the whole way.

We finally came across the cabin Ed thought Al was. I he finally put me down and I felt around the area for Alphonse and the others.

"They're not here." I tell him. I can tell he's disappointed.

We spent a couple minutes looking for any traces they could've been here but found nothing. I sensed someone coming the same time the chimera did.

A man collapsed on in front of us and Ed recognized him. I could tell he was a homunculus by the pulsing of the philosophers stone inside of him. I shivered and pushed the sound of the souls screaming away from me.

Ed filled me in on how Ling Yao was transformed into a homunculus by the name of Greed.

Ed talked to Ling for a bit. Then I felt the Greed soul try to take control.

I tried not to be angry at Ed for inviting him to join out group. I knew we needed as much help as we could get, but I still have a hatred for homunculi.

After all they did kill the closest thing I had to a mom.

Thankfully, he declined and left, but Ed ran after him.

"Then why don't you be our leader." I heard Ed say.

They argued back and forth a bit.

"I'm a dog of the military, so I'm already used to rolling over on command." He said to him.

"And (Y/N) was a Briggs soldier. She's as strong as they come." I felt a smile almost grace my lips.

"and you'll have two chimera-" I stopped paying attention to what me was saying when I felt Greed's eyes on me. I can tell he was looking at my eyes.

He seemed to consider Ed's offer and laughed.

"Sure kid, it's settled. It seems you guys are working for me now." He paused for a second.

"But the blind girl has to go." he stated.

"Excuse me!" I shouted angrily. "I am a Briggs solder. I'm as tough as they come! Me being blind hasn't gotten in my way before, and I won't let it now." I yelled.

"If you want me to prove it to you I will. I've already taken down Sloth before so I'm not afraid of you." I say coldly.

"(Y/-" Ed starts and puts a hand on my shoulder. I shrug it off and walk forward.

"The girls got spunk," he laughed, "alright. You can stay." He said.

Ed picked me up again and we started walking.


Several days after we joined Greed we arrived in Kanama. It was a peaceful small town, and apparently Ed's father was here.

I knew it was him long before we reached him. I could tell because of a hushed sound of several souls talking at once. They weren't anguished, like Greed's, but more at peace. It had to be Hoenhime. 

This was confirmed when Ed went and slugged him in the face.

"Edward! At least warn me before you slug me. And with your metal hand too!" He said before coming over to us.

"I see you have made some new friends."

"We're not- it's more like we're all in the same sinking ship." Said the chimera.

"And I guess you could say I'm the captain of that ship." Greed added.

"And you?" He said turning to me.

"Well, uhh." I looked to Ed for help. We just kind of looked at each other. Well, I looked in his direction. I could hear Ed's blood rushing to his head, suggesting he was blushing. And pretty bad too.

"I guess you could say I'm the only friend here." I said.

"These two seem to hate my guts and I hate this one even more then they hate me." I said to him, gesturing to the people I was talking about.

"It's like I'm just the blind badass girl who keeps all of them from getting killed." I say cracking a smile.

"So you're the one keeping them safe? Then I would like to thank you for looking after my son." Hoenhime said to me.

"Your welcome, but he can really be a pain in the ass sometimes." I say.

"I bet he can."

They continue to talk about things I don't care about so I just played with Ed's hair. Pulling it out of its ponytail and letting it loose, braiding it and unbraiding it. At one point I put it it a fancy bun on top of his head before he shooed me away.

They talked a little more, and then it was time to head out. Hoenhime agreed to help us and Ed bought a coat.

The terrain was flat so Ed let me walk. We ran into who we thought was Alphonse, but Greed and I just froze.

"Ed! Get away from him!" I yelled. "It's not your brother!"

"So observant." A voice that was clearly was not Alphonse's said as things flew towards us. I leaned back just in time for it to not stab me in the forehead.

Ed stumbled towards me just as another attack raged towards us. We managed to barely dodge it.

"Ed! Get behind me." I tell him.

"Are you insane?!" He screams at me.

"Maybe a little, but I was ordered to keep an eye on you by General Armstrong. That means I can't let you get hurt!" I say through gritted teeth as we dodge another attack.

"I will follow those orders until told otherwise to me by the General herself, and I will follow these orders 'till the day I die!"

Hello! Another update. If you haven't already I'm making another story by the name of 'the chimera belonging to Edward and Alphonse Elric'. If you haven't read it yet I suggest you do bc it's really funny and I like it. Love ya!


Edward Elric X blind readerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz