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As the boys prepared to leave, they realized that there were only 4 of them present. Jaebum was absent from the vicinity, but no one knew where he went.

"Let's just go," Youngjae said bitterly as he remembered the person he had been with the whole night. He assumed it had to do something with that guy.

"Youngjae, come on," Yugyeom said as he tried to reason with his friend, "he's your boyfriend. And also, how else is he gonna get home?"

"That piece of shit can walk home," Youngjae replied as he stormed out of the club into the dark street. Yugyeom, Jackson and Mark looked at each other for a moment before Yugyeom followed Youngjae outside. Jackson and Mark stayed and looked a bit more for the missing Jaebum.

"Youngjae!" Yugyeom called, running up to the other who was leaned against the side of the brick wall, "what's wrong with you? This whole night you've been pissed off! What's the matter?"

"The matter is Jaebum! That asshole is the most indecent human being I've ever met! He brings us to a place like this and then leaves us to go fuck with some stranger!" Youngjae yelled.

"Hey calm down," Yugyeom said softly, "what do you mean?"

Youngjae took in a deep breath before he ranted his whole story to Yugyeom. About how he ditched him for that guy that neither of them had ever seen before.

"But Jaebum asked you to dance as well," Yugyeom said, "and you said no? Well doesn't it just make sen-"

"Jesus fucking Christ," Youngjae interrupted, running his hands through his hair, "whose side are you on Yugyeom?! Ever since he came home he's done nothing but throw me aside!"

"Youngjae calm down..."

"And as soon as I think I'm becoming closer to him again, He treats me like a fucking toy! So don't put the blame on me Yugyeom! It's his fault! EVERYTHING IS HIS FAULT!"

"Youngjae please.... You're crying."

The brunette stopped screaming. He felt the cool breeze across his wet cheeks as he realized that there were people around watching.

He ran forward to Yugyeom and wrapped his arms around his neck, sobbing into his shoulder. The younger responded by hugging him as well and rubbing his hand into Youngjae's back.

"And the worst part is..." Youngjae started, speaking much softer now, "I still love him."


This chapter is shiiiiiiiiiiiit

I'll try to update tomorrow but idk I have a lot of packing to do.

If I don't get to update tomorrow, enjoy your week that will be free of heart break.

I already have the ending planned out for this story so you guys will need a break anyways.

Ily!!!!! Byes

You Used to Love Me <broken!2jae>Where stories live. Discover now