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"Thanks for driving me to school today mom," I thanked her.

"You've just been so busy honey, with school & the music. I wanted to spend time with you for once," she smiled back.

"Now listeners we've got a fresh new tune for you this morning. A little something from a newbie at the uprising Alliance Records. We've got Never Leave by Melany Kesting." the man on the radio spoke.

"Mom! My song's on the radio! My song's on the radio!" I screamed.

"I know honey! I know!" she screamed with me. The beat began playing & I heard my voice getting louder & louder.

I couldn't believe my voice was on the radio. Heard by everyone across the nation. It was a dream come true. My mom turned up the volume as my voice blasted through the car.

I know things aren't the same

But you're the one to blame

Even though I hate to be with you

I'll never leave you

I smiled widely as the melody went into my head. My mom pulled up to the sidewalk of the school & I got out of the car. A lot of people had headphones in & portable radios & were bobbing their heads to my song. They all smiled & clapped while I walked down to the building. My whole morning was filled with positive comments like

"Good job Melany."


"I always knew she had a voice but never this crazy!"

One of the guys even said to me,

"If your voice is that good, I wonder how good you are in bed,"

That one crept me out. But it was amazing. Sure, there were some naysayers but I was too overjoyed to care. But one person's opinion really mattered to me most.


During the school day I saw her a lot & smiled but she just looked in the other direction. It really broke my heart.


I sat down at a table during lunch & was soundly eating my lunch. I looked up at Robyn & smiled again but she continued walking.

"Hey this seat taken?" a voice behind me asked. I turned around to see Xavier.

The hottest guy in our school. Every girl had the hots for him. Even some guys. He was just that godly.

"Nope," I choked on my sandwich.

"Alright," he flashed his perfect teeth & sat down next to me. Really close though.

"I heard your song on the radio this morning. Rocking," he smiled at me.

"Thanks," I nodded nervously.

"I know this is a bit of a crunch but how would you like to go out tomorrow?" he asked. I choked on my food again.

"Everything alright?" he chuckled. It was so cute. No. Not cute. Hot.

"Yeah just spicy,"  I nodded.

"That's my lips sometimes," he smirked. I gazed at him in aw of his sexual innuendo.

"Haha that's funny," I laughed.

"So how about it?" he asked.

"Yeah sure. That sounds great," I smiled composed.

"Alright. See you tomorrow at six," he winked. The bell rang & I smiled at him.

"See you tomorrow beautiful," he smirked & left the table. I waited till he was out of door to throw my fists in the air for victory.

"Oh my God. That just happened! I need to tell..." I thought as my smile turned to a frown. I couldn't tell Robyn. She was the only friend I had left. But now she's gone.


I was two blocks away from my house & I was walking silently, observing the tranquil beauty of the neighbourhood.

"There she is," a voice complimented. It was Aidan. He was leaning against the door of his car. Just when my day was going good.

"What do you want?" I asked harshly.

"Woah, woah. I just wanted to congratulate the first artist in music history to have her first single be in the top ten of the Billboard charts," he smirked & walked towards me.

"What? I'm in the top ten?" I gasped in wonder.

"Yep. Number six," he explained.

"Oh my God this is amazing!" I yelled. With no thought at all, I hugged Aidan. I just wanted to hug someone.

"I'm proud of you. But don't get overconfident," he hushed me & backed away. I nodded my head in understanding.

"Good. Now, no lesson today because I have a photoshoot in an hour but the company wanted me to tell you there's a launch party tomorrow night. Starts at six. Be there," he instructed.

"What? But I have a date tomorrow night," I sulked.

"So. it's probably with some nerd," he chuckled.

"Actually it's with the hottest guy in school. Thank you very much," I rolled my eyes.

"Alright. Before today did he ever talk to you?" he asked & crossed his arms.

"Well no. But he always smiled at me in the halls," I stated delightfully.

"Okay come along with me," he instructed.

"Seriously now?" I rolled my eyes.

"Yes. You need a lesson today," he commanded.

"But my mom," I protested.

"I talked to her earlier. She's fine trust me," he sassed me.

"Aidan Alexander. You shall be the death of me," I raised my fist.

"Alright Shakespeare. Get in the car," he rolled his eyes. I stomped towards his car & got in.

"Next stop Buffalo," he got in & started driving.

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