Chapter 1 *Mysterious Eyes*

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Chapter 1  *Mysterious Eyes*

It was a beautiful sunny day with clear blue skies and a warm breeze soothing my tense muscles. I let out a deep breath, giving in to the peaceful surroundings.

I was grateful that summer had finally arrived. I don't know if I could still bear with the atmosphere back in school. Especially with the people that surrounded me all day long. Friends? I don't think so. The word is too special for the likes of them. Friends weren't supposed to use you. They don't play with your feelings and put up an act. They don't need anything in return but are there just because they choose to be with you.

But that's the thing. I didn't feel any of that.

They were only there because of what I had. What my name carried. And the benefits that came along with it.

In their eyes, I will just be a billionaire's daughter. Nothing more.

They used me once. They're not going to use me again.

I snapped back to reality and pushed away the unpleasant thoughts. They won't be able to bother me anymore. Not when I'm this far away. It was a good thing my family and I were spending the summer here in London. Giving me space to breath for once.

I made myself occupied with my camera. Taking shot after shot on the surroundings of images that were real and honest. No pretenses.This is what I loved about photography. I could capture and admire photos behind the lens, but also knowing full well of the actual image before me. I'd get to see both sides and know that it's not fake.

"BOOO!" Someone suddenly shouted on my ear. I was so shocked that I fell on the ground and screamed.

Laughter suddenly replaced the silence and I sat there on the ground, glaring at my ever so gentle brother.

"You.. You should ha-ave seen your face! It wa-as priceless!" He said in between laughs. He doubled over and held his stomach, laughing.

"Uggh... It's nice to see you too brother. So glad to finally have you home," I said with sarcasm as I slowly stood up.

He composed himself and suddenly attacked me with a bear hug. "Oh, come on Naomi! I just missed teasing you like that!" He ruffled my hair and I pushed him back.

"So much for being a caring brother," I teased.

"Oh, you know I am. You'd be at a total loss without me," He winked and wriggled his eyebrows.

I laughed and hooked my arm with his. "Just keep kidding yourself James."

He just shook his head and looked at the river. "I miss this place. It's been a really long time since we came here." His eyes were twinkling and I couldn't help remember the times we spent playing here when we were younger.

We walked towards the dock and sat at the edge. It was a pretty sight I might say. The sun made the water sparkle and everything looked so peaceful. I took the oppurtunity to take some pictures while we both sat in silence. Then it suddenly hit me. He was up to something. James usually sleeps off the rest of the day when he comes home after arriving from college. This was rare for him to do.

"Okay, spit it out. I know you're up to something," I said as I put my camera down.

He laughed and shook his head. "I knew you'd see through me. You see, there's this awesome competition and I wanted you to go with me."

Well, that's really... weird. He never invited me on his getaways. What made him change his mind? "Competition of what?" I asked.

" Something really fun." He said with a strained smile.

Lovely Messजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें