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July 23rd, 2019.

My name is Niall James Horan.

I was born in Mullingar, Ireland on September 13th, 1993. Although if you're a fan you probably know that already.

I'm part of a band called One Direction. We started on the X Factor nine years ago today. Just when we thought we were going home, the judges called me and four other boys and put us together.

July 23rd, 2010 turned my world upside down.

If I started writing everything we've gone through together, this would be one hell of a long story. So I'm not gonna do that.

I've decided to start writing this because Harry is always writing down his thoughts and I have a lot going on so I've decided to do the same.

Today we've announced the world our return.

We took a break (a hiatus) at the end of 2015. Now, three years and a half later, we're getting together again. It's still some months until the tour starts, but I just can't wait to get back on the road with my bandmates. I've done some sick things during this break (hiatus) but I've missed touring with the lads.


The best thing about touring is you get to go to many different countries.

"Mom, his eyes just moved"

This tour we're going back to South America, which I loved when we were there during the Where We Are Tour, back in 2014.

There's a beeping that's making writing this way more difficult than it should be. I think I left the pizza in the oven for too long haha.

"Mom, his eyes are opening"

Have you ever been accidentally blinded by a friend playing with a torch? Like out of nowhere there's this freakin bright light right in your eyes and you can't see a damn thing because everything is white? Cause that's exactly what is happening to me right now.

I open my eyes, blinking, trying to get them used to whatever it is that's dazzled me.

First thing I see is my brother Greg.

"MOM, HE'S AWAKE!" I hear him shout and it feels like they're smacking my eardrums.

"BOBBY, CALL THE DOCTOR!" another voice shouts.

I try to look around, unable to see properly, my vision becoming blurry and my head going from side to side like one of those bobbleheads people have in their cars.

"NIALL, CAN YOU HEAR ME?" my mum shouts.

Or maybe it's Greg.

Or maybe she's not shouting.

I try to answer but my mouth doesn't move and my throat does something similar to a walrus' mating sound.

I see some people in white rushing in the room before my vision gets blurry again and everything turns completely black.

My name is Niall James Horan, or so I believe.

I have no idea what just happened.

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