It's Over

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Trevor's ( pov )

I froze, I didn't know what to do. All I heard was screaming around me until I felt one blow to my jaw that knocked me into reality and that's when I snapped. I grabbed Ray by his neck and slammed him into the wall then took the chair and hit him across the head immediately knocking him out. I grabbed the gun from Allison's hands and knocked her upside the head with it. The woman was coming after me and I shot her right between the eyes. I shoved the gun in my pants and grabbed Allison balling up my fist.

Trevor: What in God's name is wrong with you!!? You come into someone's life and mess it up, you shot two boys you even shot my damn daughter and you're gonna pay so bad for it.

I drew back my hand to punch her but stopped immediately when I heard Chris cry out.

Chris: DIANA !! NOO

Trevor: what happened ?

I let go of Allison and went to look what he was talking about. Behind the couch was Diana laying on her back with blood staining her blouse. Paige was in the corner crying and Diana was gasping for air. This was not supposed to happen.

Becoming more angry I took the gun out of my pants and aimed it at Allison's head. With a pull of the trigger she was out, but because of the anger that is now built up inside of me I found myself shooting her body repeatedly.

Chris: Aye! Stop! She's dead

I dropped the gun and bent down in front of her lifeless body.

Tevor: Send me a postcard from hell bitch.

I walked quickly to find my phone to call the police.

Lady: 911 what's your emergency?

Trevor: ummm, two boys got shot including my girlfriend and my daughter, there are other dead body's here, we were held hostage and .. * gco *

Lady: sir what's the address

Trevor: ugh, 32nd Northbrook rd

Lady: we'll send police and an ambulance on the way immediately

Trevor: thank you so much, please hurry.

I went over to Diana and tried to stop the bleeding. Chris was too busy crying that I had to push him out of the way in order to get to her.

Chris: * paces around * what am I gonna do now

Twenty five minutes later

Chris's ( pov )

The cops finally arrived and they took Diana and the boys to the hospital. Luckily Trevor stopped the bleeding just in time to save her. She lost a lot of blood and is unconscious but she'll be okay. Hopefully. They took the dead bodies away and I had a mental break down when I saw Carly but eventually calmed down.

The police eneded placing me and Trevor in handcuffs and were taking us down to the station for questioning. We'll be okay..... I hope.

Author's ( pov )

Hey guys long time no see.... welp it's not over as yet but have about five or six more chapters before the book ends. No there won't be a trilogy. Sorry😢. But I have a new book out called when I was your man you guys can check that out. And follow me on instagram @ pinkskittle.s and I'll follow back. Peace for now ✌

love lies and betrayal sequel to my step brother chrisWhere stories live. Discover now