Chapter 6: Haise Sasaki

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"Hmm? Not only Yasuo, Reiko-chan..." more inaudible mumbles flowed from his mouth as he continued his assaults, to which you were able to successfully dodge. But you weren't able to sneak an attack on him; probably because of the pain that spurted from your injured leg and the almost-zero visibility brought by the fog.

Why is he going easy on me? You pondered as you lost sight of Spine Sucker amidst the fog. You tightened your hold around your quinque, sharpening your senses for any sign of your foe. You expected him to be fast and rabid just like the usual Rated SS ghouls you've heard before. Or maybe, he has some other motives...

The white fog on your side violently moved, and you raised your hand, ready to attack once more with your quinque. But unfortunately, Spine Sucker's rinkaku claw dived in from your right side, and you were late to defend yourself with your quinque. As a result, you were thrown backwards, and your quinque was suddenly out of sight.

Crap... he's using the fog to conceal himself...! You struggled to stand up, silently cursing the heavy rain. It's either you die under the unending rain, or the rain stops and it's too late for you to survive this dream encounter with Spine Sucker. Anyways, the best plan as of now is to secure a position in which his two kagune wouldn't be able to hit you. You remembered the pattern of his attacks, and you concluded that ducking is the best choice for now.

You ducked, and luckily evaded a new attack from his rinkaku. All you have to do now is to wait for either the rain or fog to subside, find your quinque (immediately, or else Spine Sucker will find you), and exterminate the damn ghoul – if the gods wouldn't forbid you.

The fog violently moved again, and this time, numerous projectiles headed towards you. You ducked deeper, almost lying on the ground. You crawled forward, like a sniper heading to its main position – except that you carry no weapon.

That's when you noticed a certain black object.


You stretched your arm quickly and tried to grab the handle of your quinque. But instead of a metal cylinder, you felt a piece of fabric touch the palm of your right hand.

And then you realized.

What you saw wasn't your quinque.


And before you knew it, a hard kick landed on your side, making you painfully roll backwards and hitting the concrete wall of your residence's fence. You touched your limping side while desperately catching for your breath. God, couldn't you just faint because of hypothermia? It's been a while since you've started battling Spine Sucker under this cold rain.

You opened your eyes, watching out for Spine Sucker's next attack. And he didn't fail your expectations; crystal shards came storming towards you like a tornado. You were about to tumble sideward to dodge when you felt two warm arms pick you up.

"I'm sorry. It was because of me that you couldn't fight head on."

Haise? So he came to rescue you. Oh... how cliché.

A raging rinkaku showed up from the fog curtain. Haise dodged before jumping over the fence and putting you down. You couldn't help but gape at how high he just jumped. That wall is freaking four meters tall!

"Stay here. I'll find your quinque and kill Spine Sucker," he whispered before planting a kiss on your forehead. He jumped over the fence again, and you tilted your head to the side, pondering at the sudden change of his attitude towards you.

Or maybe that was the Haise before his declaration of his feelings towards you? What would've happened if he never noticed you? What would've happened if Haise Sasaki was never "born" at all?

It wasn't until a series of crashes, thumps, and cries that you were able to pull back yourself from contemplating things. What was I doing?! Haise Sasaki is battling with a Rank SS ghoul! You staggered to stand up and ran to the gate. And that's when you noticed that the rain had stopped and the fog begun to disappear.

You climbed up to the other side of the gate, wishing that you wouldn't be caught in between their fight. As soon as your feet touched the asphalt ground, you turned around to check the other two.

Spine Sucker was lying on the ground, bloodied, his kagune nowhere to be seen. He was...

...looking up at Haise whose head was on his hands, frustrated groans coming out of his mouth. His kagune was flailing around in complete disarray.

You quickly searched the vicinity for any sight of your quinque. Again. Haise Sasaki is losing control of himself again!

Haise screamed as his hands pulled his hair. You couldn't make out the words he's spouting as you were still searching for your quinque. And just when you had just found it, Haise's words came ringing in your ears.

"SHE'S MINE!!!!"

The sounds of cracking and flesh being torn apart ensued, along with Spine Sucker's cries being engulfed by Haise's angry screams. All you could do is to shut your eyes off, forgetting about getting your quinque.

A few seconds later, the sounds died off, and the next thing you heard was puffs and the slow dripping of water. Opening your eyes, you were horrified as you saw Spine Sucker's limbs and insides scattered all along the place (it was a miracle that nothing got to you).

Haise was sitting on the ground, his head still on his hands. Loud sobs replaced the puffs you heard earlier. You picked up your quinque which was positioned not far from him.

"Haise," you walked near him, and suddenly halted as he extended his arm to stop you.

"D-Don't come near me... I... I can't still..."

You can't still what?

A cringing sound followed, and Haise's kagune flailed in the air again. A series of cries gushed out of your lover's lips.

"Rank 1 Haise Sasaki!"

Investigators came running towards the both of you, immediately stopping as they witnessed the unleashing of Haise's kagune in a distorted manner.

"First Class Reiko Sakamaki, please stay away from Rank 1 Sasaki!" An investigator pulled your arm, while the others surrounded the crossbred ghoul who's in a complete haze.

You caught the arm of the investigator who pulled yours. "What are you going to do to Sasaki?"

The investigator blinked. "We'll try to subdue without killing him. However, if he attacks and inflicts heavy damage on one of us... then we'll head on to exterminating him."

A strong thought came to your mind: I won't let them hurt him. He already had enough for today.

Haise's frustrated screams faded, and he was shivering. Seeing how his kagune calmed down, one of the investigators moved closer to him, only to be slapped and thrown backwards by his kagune.

"D-Don't come near me... I... I'll kill you..."

"Move! Do not hesitate to exterminate him!"

Your hand moved. Twitching your quinque, you made it hit the other investigators. You ran towards Haise and faced the shocked faces of the people around you.

"First Class!"

"What are you doing?! Do not get involved in here!"

"I am involved, since it was because of me that this had to happen," you replied sharply. "Enough. I can't let you go further. Rank 1 Sasaki can calm down by himself. However, if you try to kill him... I'll have to scatter your guts all over this place."

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