Sneak Peek

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As I was packing my bags for the coming weekend at Richmond, someone knocked furiously on my door. "Chase! Please be home, please!" I ran to the door because I knew the voice, even though the other side. I pulled the door open and stumbling in was a crying Candice, make up running and all.

"What's wrong?" I asked as she fell apart in my arms.

"I need to use your bathroom." That's when I noticed the bag in her hand. "I didn't know where else to go." She cried harder, gripping my shirt. "Please?"

"Uh, yeah, it's down the hall." I pointed, "is there something I should know?" I asked confused.

"No, not yet anyway." And she took off down the hall, shutting and locking the bathroom door behind her.

It felt like she was in there for hours, but when I finally heard the door creak open, I quickly stood up. I had time to process what was happening. She was taking a pregnancy test and there was only one person I knew who could the father... Blaney.

"Everything go okay in there?" She had stopped crying and fixed her make up.

"Yeah, it's good news actually." She gave a simple smile.


"Can we sit?" She pointed to my sofa.

"Of course." I took a seat beside her. She wouldn't look at me, just fidgeted with her fingers. "So, what's going on? I'm not dumb, I know what was in the bag."

She released a deep sigh, "I thought I was pregnant."

"You thought?" I edged on.

"I'm not." Oh, thank god. We sat quiet for a moment and just as I was about to say anything she beat me to it. "Chase, I'm so happy I'm not." Her tears began to fall again. "Ryan isn't someone who I'd want to have a baby with. He's just too," she began to sob harder and I pulled her into my side.

"Shh, it's okay." I gently rubbed her back, "you don't have to explain to me." Candice looked up at me with her big, sad, blue eyes and I saw something different. She wasn't the happy, go lucky girl I first met back in Georgia. She was broken.

"Chase," she whispered.

"Yeah?" She leaned up, her lips were ghosting over mine.

"Kiss me." I didn't fight it, I let my lips meet hers, soft and sweet. I placed my hand on the back of her neck and pulled her in, I needed her closer. I ran my tongue over her bottom lip and she instantly parted her mouth, my tongue quickly searching for hers. A soft moan left her at the contact, but she only took it further. Still kissing me, Candice's fingers fumbled with the buttons on my shirt. I let my hand slide down her side and rested it on her hip, gripping ever so lightly, because she winced and pulled away.

"What, what's wrong? I didn't,"

She cut me off, "I should go. He'll be wondering where I went."

"No, please, don't go. Did I hurt you?" My voice was laced with worry.

"I don't wanna talk about it. It's just a small bruise, I'm fine." She waved her hand.

"Then let me see." I demanded, "show me."

"Fuck off. I don't have to show you anything!" She went to grab her bag but I got a hold of it first.

"You're not leaving til you show me or at least tell me what happened." I stood with my arms crossed in front of her, holding her bag hostage.

"Damnit, Elliott, can't you let anything go? It was just a little rough sex, nothing more." Candice was lying and I knew because she had a tell. Every time she lie to me she brush her hair back behind her ear.

"Candice, I'm just looking out for you. I'm worried about you." I took a step forward but she stepped back.

"Can I go now?"

I handed back her bag, I wasn't going to get an answer out of her. Not like this. "Are you sure you don't want to stay? I can order some food, we can sit and talk. I have all night." I could tell she was contemplating the idea.

"I can't. I just can't." She sighed.

"I understand."

"You do?" She sounded surprise. "Why? All I ever am is a bitch towards you and you treat me so kind. I hate that you do that!" I didn't have words for her, so when silence filled the room, she headed for the door.

She was just about to close my door when I stopped her, "please, don't go." Candice stopped in her tracks and just stood there, staring down the hallway, hand still resting on the knob. "At least tell me why you kissed me."

I saw her shoulders tense up but she still didn't turn around, "because, because I wanted a taste of something I'll never have."

And then she was gone.

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