School almost never ends:

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         I was really tired since i sleep really late, when I got up. I got dressed, and as always I was late for school. I got in the car, and arrived at school, hoping I would be early this time. I sighed and saw no one outside. I walked to my classroom, with my English class teacher first. I opened the doors and all eyes were on me. "Sit down". Mrs. Burke said as she opened her booklet. I stayed quiet and sat down next to my friend Dexter, he has black hair, and brown eyes. "Psst". He whispered. "What, do you want"? I rolled my eyes. Im just not a morning person you know. "What you get for homework". He whispered. "Im telling you, im not going to give you answers". I say loudly, so the whole class could hear me. I turned red, and they stared at me, Mrs. Burke told me to shut up. I glared at Dexter. He looked down at his work. As soon as I got go Social studies, my third class barley, I was falling asleep.
Ashleigh had her head on the table. I shook her. "Huh"? She woke up. "Its starting". I said. She was my friend and also a third wheel, for me and her best friend which was my girlfriend Cristina. She had long, wavy, dark brown hair, and brown eyes, she wore glasses and she was also Mexican- American, mostly all my friends were. Ashleigh got out her pencil and began to write. I began to fall asleep. "Hey wake up sleepy head". Ashleigh said. "You know shes standing right there". I woke up immediately, and to my surprise, Ms. Riley wasn't there. Ashleigh laughed. It was 2 boring hours of class. Ashleigh had almost fallen asleep, and I was attentive for some parts.
          It was finally break. I wasn't hungry so I decided to go with my girlfriend. "Hey". I said. "Hi". Cristina hugged me. Ashleigh crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. Well its her fault she rejected everyone that liked her. Like I mean she doesn't want anyone, ANYONE! Cristina had medium, straight, brown hair, and black eyes. Me and Cristina started talking and then George came.
He was the guy that asked out every girl, and hurt every one of them, and some still fall. Ashleigh hated George for some reason and left, she went with Mariah, and Ami.
        "Hey guys". Ashleigh said. "Aren't you worried"? Ami asked. "What about"? Ashleigh seemed confused. "Well of course Cristina, that litte diva, brat, is gonna change Alex." Ami said. Mariah nodded. "Why are you so concerned"? Ashleigh asked them as if it were none of their business. "I just am , shes a bad person". Ami said. "You don't even know her." Ashleigh said loudly. "Shes with those people"! Ami said. "I know what you mean, but shes my best friend, and you guys are too, but she won't change me or Alex". Ashleigh said. "If you say so". Mariah crossed her arms. The bell rang.
I held Cristina's hand, as I said bye to her, and she wrapped her hands around my neck. I walked outside of the school amd waited for Ashleigh. "What took you so long"? I asked. She didn't say anything. "Is there something wrong"? I asked again. "Na just annoying people ya know"? She said. "Was it Calum"? I asked. She nodded. "Not really but his friends were bothering me". Ashleigh said. "Oh". I said. "Third wheel forever". Ashleigh said, as she looked at her IPhone "Well see you tomorrow"! She hugged me and started walking to Cristina. She waved goodbye to me, and I did too.
        Ashleigh  walked up to Cristina. Cristina stared at Ashleigh "What's wrong?" I asked Cristina. "Oh nothing"! She said sarcastically. "Tell me". Ashleigh began to get worried. "You know, why you say no anyways"? Cristina asked. "What do you mean, what are you talking about"? Ashleigh asked. "About Alex, if you like him so much, then why you reject him"!? Cristina almost yelled. Tears filled up in her eyes. "What, who said I liked him like that, hes my friend, and I kept it like that"! Ashleigh said. Cristina stayed quiet. "But.... You guys hang out more than I do with him". Cristina said. Ashleigh laughed. "You know what, you guys are inseparable,  and you know friends always come around,  its jealousy that gets to you and you just let it come and start a fight, im tired of dealing with this,  please don't be like that, you were always a nice person". Ashleigh said.
       I watched Cristina shout at Ashleigh, before I almost went, Ashleigh had calmed her down. I ran up to Cristina. "Whats going on"? I asked. "Oh nothing,  Ashleigh just came late"! Cristina said laughing for fake. Ashleigh rolled her eyes. "Jealousy got to her between you and me". Ashleigh said. Cristina gulped. "What"!? I couldn't believe it. I stared at Cristina for a moment. "We talked about this"!

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