9x02: Billie's Inner Demon (Part 2)

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Previously on Charmed:

"You can't pretend that you don't know what's coming to you. You already know it. Coop knows it. For the last eight years, you have been searching for love and you actually found it, literally and what better love can you find than the Angel of Love? You already know that you two get married in the future." Piper says.

"Yeah, but that's the thing. We are supposed to get married, I don't really know what to do before we get there..." Phoebe interrupts.

"But maybe for now, you need to start from the beginning and work your way up, from a breakfast date to eventually a wedding date." Paige concludes.


Christy glares at Past Billie. "How could you?"

Past Billie takes a step forward, away from the Charmed Ones and begins to plead with Christy. "Christy, please, it's over, just come home."

Christy still glares daggers at Past Billie. She telepathically forms a fireball and hurls it towards the Charmed Ones and Past Billie, but Past Billie holds out her hands and deflects it back at her, engulfing Christy in flames and finally exploding. Past Billie falls to the ground and begins to sob. Present Billie who continues to watch begins to cry and the tears she fought so hard to hold back were strolling down her face. She closes her eyes and she teleports herself back into the present. She sits on the floor in a meditating position and begins to cry thinking about what she just saw, Billie herself vanquishing her older sister.


Coop appears behind Phoebe.

"Surprise!" Coop says. Phoebe jumps and turns around.

"Coop! What-" she stops herself and closes the door behind Coop and shuts the folds and she continues, " What are you doing here?"

"Well, the reason why I came here is to ask you on a date. I think you are a very classy woman and I believe that I'm here to ask you to a classy date..." Coop explains.

"Well, I'm flattered, Coop, but I am kinda busy right now, I just got back from the chaos with the Triad and Christy and I have a lot of work to do that..."

"I understand...totally understandable" Coop says, "Well, I guess it couldn't hurt to try, right? I guess I can try another time."


"What's the problem? Henry?" Paige calls out.

"What?" Henry says as he turns around.

"What's the matter? What's gotten into you?" Paige asks.

" I don't know. I have stayed in the same room with my wife in three days and when I finally do, she says that she's tired. Frankly, I don't know what to think."

"Well, Henry, you have to give me credit. I didn't know that you felt neglected. You should have told me."

"You're a witch, you're supposed to know it without me telling you." Henry blurts out

"First off, I don't have the power to do that, if anyone of us can do that, it's Phoebe. Secondly, I'm sorry." Paige apologizes as she hugs him "Piper is throwing Leo a welcome back party, we can go and after that, we can have our own little party?"

Henry smiles as he wraps his arms around his wife. He kisses her and then raises her chin a little bit. "Ok, you promise?"

"Yeah, I promise." Paige smiles.


"Surprise!" Everyone yells to Leo as he walks down the stairs. He exchanges handshakes with everyone and hugs the ladies. Time passes and they all make a toast together and enjoy themselves merrily. Billie sits by Phoebe and she is very silent.

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