Best Friends Forever! - chapter 43

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I walked into Rowan's house. The walls were covered in what looked like tears and there was a shattered picture frame on the floor. I picked up the picture frame. The picture was of Nick, Christina(another friend of mine), Daniel and Rowan. In the picture, Rowan and Daniel were tackling each other, like they always did. They were best friends. Christina was writing a story in her favorite green notebook. She loved reading and writing. She was very smart. And, in the center of the picture, Nick and I were making fun of each other. As a joke, of course. But Nick had his arm around me. (I didn't think too much into it at the time.)

Seeing the picture destroyed, I felt even worse. How could I have done this to a friend? Rowan led me upstairs. We approached a big bright red door. I assumed that it was Nick's room. Rowan knocked on the door.

We were greeted by an obnoxious "What?!" and the sound of someone throwing something. I knew that voice. It was Nick. But his voice was more pained than usual.

"Someone's here to see you." Rowan said.

"Unless it's Ashley, I don't wanna here it! Now tell 'em to get lost!!!" I heard a small sob and my heart broke.

"Nicholas?" I asked.

The room was silent. Then I heard a slight stirring on the other side of the door. And the door opened. Nick was there... In front of me... His cheeks had streaks where he tears were yet to dry. He looked me in the eyes. I looked into his dark brown eyes and saw the him that I used to know. The cute, innocent kid who always either had his nose in a book, or was chasing Daniel and Rowan for making fun of him... I miss that Nicholas.

Nick's POV

I opened the door to see Ashley. Her eyes were wide and she looked so upset to see me like this. She looked like she wanted to cry along with me... Why did I have to do that? Why did I have to go and kiss her?!

She looked at the bandage wrapped around my chest. It was there because Dallas broke 5 of my ribs... But I didn't blame him... If I could get a girl like that, I wouldn't want some guy just steelin' her for me...  I missed the good old days... When we were just friends... Best friends...

Ashley's POV

Nicholas and I sat down. Rowan walked away, "giving us our space". Though, I knew that he was hidin' in the hallway, listening to our conversation. I bet Nick knew it, too.

"Nick, I'm so sorry." I blurted out after a long awkward pause. "I shouldn't have hurt ya. None the less, let Dally do the same."

Nick looked down. "You didn't do anything wrong." he said, taking my hand. Though, I knew that this time, he wouldn't make a move. "We were best friends... And I blew it."

I lifted his chin so he was forced to look at me. "We still are best friends." I said. He chuckled. "So, let's go back to being best friends and stay that way. I bet, after a while, you and Christina could start coming over my house again... After Dallas gets used to ya."

He grinned. "Ya think so?"

"I know so. And if he doesn't get used to ya, I'll make him get used to ya. Okay?"

He paused for a minute. Then nodded.

"No more cryin'?" I asked, makin' him blush.

"Yeah. No more cryin'."

I kissed him on the forehead and left... Best friends... Forever...

Ashley Curtis... Ponyboy's sister...Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora