Kaieun-I'm sorry

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A shining,glowing creature appeared at the old house while looking at Kai.

Someone's POV


I hope we last forever.But I couldn't.I have to let you go,I'm sorry.

End of POV

"Naeun ah!I know you are here!Please come back to me!You're not belong there!" He shouted painfully with the tears welling up in his eyes.

"Why it must be you!Why?!" He stopped for a while.

"Why won't you answer!Come on!Please show yourself in front of me!I-" He stopped as a coin rolled towards him.He looked at the direction where the coin came from.

"Jongin ah." She came out from the darkness,she smiled weakly at him.Her hand tried to reach his face although she knew that she couldn't never touch him.But suprisingly,this time it worked!She could touch his face but her eyes showed the sadness.

"N-Naeun ah..Why do you look so pale?" He whispered,looked into her eyes sadly,holding her face and continued, "Don't you know that I miss you like crazy?I really do." His voice was quite quivering at that time,but was able to finish his talk.

"Don't make me like this." She continued, "Don't make me hard to let you go." Her voice was quite shaking too,her tears would fall anytime as she saw him hurt like that.

"No!You're the one who makes me suffering now!You hurted me!You left me just like that!" His tears were already rolling as fast as lighting down his cheeks.That saddened her and she looked like to calm herself.She was trying to prevent herself form crying.

"I'm sorry.I didn't mean to leave you.I know I shouldn't keep it as a secret from you." Before she could even finished her words,he cut her out. "Then why don't you tell me earlier?I-I miss you a lot more than what you think!You shouldn't disappear from my side.If you tell me earlier,I can protect you!I can send you to the hospital and wait for you even it takes a long time for you to heal.Why can't you tell me that you were suffering from the cancer!And the last thing I know,you were already at the last stage!Why?!"He held her shoulder and shook it,makes her tears fell intensely.

"I just don't want to see you sad.I wasn't ready to lose you at that time.I was...afraid if you leave me." Her eyes were very sad and seemed tired.

"I did promise you that I'll never leave you right?" He sounded desperate though.

But then their debate were interrupted by a girl,Haera.

"Oppa?What are you doing here?" Her question surprised them but of course she couldn't see her.

"Huh?" He turned his head to Haera.

"What are you doing here,alone?"

"Alone?I was with-" He turned his head to Naeun and found that she disappeared.

"Naeun?!Naeun ah!Where are you?!Don't leave me!" He looked like a puppy lost in the street.

"What?Why are you still talking about her?Didn't you already forget her?" She asked curiously.

"I was just-"

"Save it.I don't want to hear anything." She said ,crossing her arms.

"Come on."

Silence greeted them happily.

"Urm,Hae Ra?" He called her names more in whisper tone,tried to break the silence.But she didn't answer.

"Jongin ah,please forget me.Okay?" She said which makes him completely confused.

"What?" He asked being puzzled

"It's me,Naeun." She answered.

Okay,that makes him shocked.

"A-are you really her?" He asked,his stuttered.

"Yeah,it's me.Come on.I need to show you something."

So he followed her until he stopped in front of a big,shadow tree.

"A tree?" He asked her with one of his eyebrow was raised up.

"Don't you remember?" She asked.

"Well,it was our love tree.There's something hidden in it." She gave a weak smile at him.

"Something hidden?" She nodded happily.

"Yeah,we kept something in it.You forgot about it right?Haha,I still remember where it was." She then pointed at the trunk.I stared at her confusingly.

"What's with that trunk?"

"We can open it." She looked at his puzzled face. "I mean open the small door.We made a secret,small store there." She explained it confidently.

"Really?So we can open it?" She nodded again.

His hand opened the cute door and found something in it.

"A box?"

"Yes,well I think I know why you forgot about it.You involved in an accident when your childhood,am I right?"

"Yeah." He scratched the back of his neck.

"Okay,now you have to take a look.Look what's inside the box." She commanded and I followed her instructions.

"A ring?" His eyes widened.

"Yeah,you know what?Haera loves you so much.Why don't you love her back?You should propose her."

"Why would I do that?I still love you."

"No!I already died.Please forget me."

"How am I going to forget you?"

"Just go and propose her."


"You will love her.She's the one for you.She deserves you.Please."

"God,what can I-" Out of sudden,she passed out and he caught her.

"Yah.Yah?!Naeun ah?!" He shook her shoulder.

"Oppa?" Now what,she's gone?

"Yes?" He instantly answered her.

"Why are we here?"

"Just go and propose her."
"You will love her.She's the one for you.She deserves you.Please."

Her voice echoed in his mind.

He looked at the box in his hand and he knelt down.

"Park Hae Ra,will you marry this stupid,idiot,non-romantic guy?"
That question makes her laugh non stop.

"Wait,do you reject me?" His eyes squinted.

"No,it's just funny how you propose me.And that is so sweet of you.Of course I'll marry you,so called non romantic guy." She smiled to her ears while rolling her eyes.

While they were having their lovely moments,Naeun only watched them from the peaceful sky.

"I'm sorry for leaving you,I did that for the sake of your happiness,and I will always loving you."

.The end.

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