"So then it is important. How many dream houses does one get in this lifetime?"

"If you're Brian, quite a few," Heather said lightly as if sharing a private joke between her and Brian. Lizzy watched as Heather and Brian exchanged smiles. Obviously it was a private joke.

"You said it was in the Hill Country?" Lizzy asked, not bothering to try to hide her confusion.  She thought the project would be based in New York.

"Yes, actually it is not far from your brother's place. He's watching my dogs for me while I'm here."

"Quinn?  You mean the house is in Texas?" Lizzy felt a little thrill that she would have an excuse to go home, she had lived in New York since college, but she considered Texas home and always would.

"Yes, Texas," Heather drawled in her best Texas accent.

Lizzy gave a polite smile.  "Is that where you're from?"  She asked Helen.  She could have sworn that Brian had told her he was from the Midwest somewhere.

"No, Brian took me to visit you parents about six or seven years ago, and I fell in love with the place. I think they were afraid that I would never leave; I kept extending my visit there so many times."

"Oh I doubt that. Mother loves to be surrounded by people. I imagine you were a balm to her soul.  That would have been when Caleb left home to go to school." Lizzy was calculating the time mentally.

She was astounded that Brian had spent so much time with her family in the past years.  She had done her best not to think about him, but had her family also done their best to not bring him into any conversations, or had it just been coincidence?

Had she underestimated her family?

She had pulled back after that summer eight years ago.  She had retreated into a hard shell, and she had refused to let anyone get past it.  The only one who had even tried was Trisha.

"It was.  I cannot tell you how I felt the first few days I was with your mother, the famous Elizabeth Stevens." Helen put her hands to her cheeks in embarrassment. "But your mother was so wonderful. She has become a really good friend over the years."

"Mother has a way about her.  She's like Mason, she has never met a stranger."

"Your mother has pictures of you throughout the house so I knew how beautiful you were, but may I just say not a single one of them did you justice." Helen patted her hand that was playing with the napkin in her lap.

Lizzy blushed to the roots of her hair.  "Thank you," she murmured, taking a sip of her water to hide her embarrassment.  

"In fact, your whole family is quite stunning.  The family portrait that your mother showed me from Dana and Quinn's wedding was a bit overwhelming, especially when you include how successful you all are."

"Oh, there are a few of us that are pretty much your run of the mill worker bees." Lizzy looked to Brian to save her.

"Mom, why don't you tell Lizzy about Heather's and your plans for the house," Brian said, understanding Lizzy's silent plea. Lizzy watched as his strong hand lifted his glass of wine to his lips.

Helen caught Lizzy up on her plans with the occasional comment from Heather, so that by the time they were done eating Lizzy felt she had a strong grasp on the project.

"It sounds wonderful, and if I'm honest I don't think I would mind spending a little time back home." Lizzy smiled softly.  "It will also be April which is the best time to be in Texas. Have you been to Texas in April?" Lizzy asked Heather.

"I've never been to Texas," Heather said a bit defensively as if Lizzy was trying to point out a flaw.

"Then I will be excited help show it to you," Lizzy smiled warmly at her. Lizzy always enjoyed showing off her home state.

Heather's eyes narrowed in suspicion. "I doubt that I will get to see that much of it since we'll be working the entire time."

"Oh there is always time," Lizzy said, rising from her seat. "If you will excuse me for a moment."

Lizzy was touching up her make-up in the mirror when Heather entered the restroom.

"I must say that is a lovely dress Lizzy." Heather walked up to the mirror beside her.

"Thank you. Your dress is lovely as well, the color is perfect for you."

"It is one of Brian's favorites. I bought it when we were in London last year."

Lizzy's closed her hand bag with a snap keeping her face as blank as possible. She should probably thank Heather for letting her know the lay of the land.  At least now she was in the know.

Lizzy let her eyes slowly travel over Heather.  She was an attractive woman a little older than her, and perhaps a bit more sophisticated. Even though it hurt to admit it, she was a good match for Brian. She designed houses and Brian built them they would always have something to talk about.

"A real power couple." She pushed her blond hair back off of her shoulders and turned away from the mirror.

"Hmm... but we're trying to keep it quiet for now. It's not good for the boss to date an employee. I think Brian had to learn that one the hard way."

Lizzy couldn't help the stunned expression that crossed her face. Did Heather know about her and Brian's past? Had Brian shared that with her?

"I see you're shocked by our relationship. Did you really think a man like Brian would be single?"

Lizzy inhaled deeply.  "No." She tried to give a careless shrug. She must not be aware of their past.  If she was, Lizzy had no doubt that she would not be included on this project.

"Good luck to the two of you. It seems this project is the perfect way for you to get to know his mother." Lizzy turned and walked out the door, not waiting to hear what her reply would be.

Was this closure that she felt? She hadn't shattered in to a million pieces like she thought she would when she learned of Brian's love for another woman.

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