Chapter Eight

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This is so amazing! Thank you all so so so much for everything!! Now, enjoy chapter 8 my friends!

Chapter 8

~Carter’s P.O.V~

I got up and stretched. Nicola was fast asleep and I wanted to take her mind off things, so I decided to make her breakfast.

I took out the bacon, eggs, toast, jam, butter, and all the other necessities I would need to cook a semi-decent meal.

I tried to keep the noise level to a minimum, but it's not my fault I needed the pan on the bottom of the pile…

The butter sizzled noisily when it hit the pan. As I cooked, I couldn’t help think about Nicola’s situation. I wish she could just trust me, I know the lads will forgive her. She’s their daughter for god’s sake!

I placed the eggs, bacon and toast on the plate. I poured a tall glass of pulp-free orange juice, last time I gave her orange juice when there was pulp in it, and she took a spit take all over me. Not taking any chances this time.

I heard a yawn from behind me. I turned around expecting to see Nicola, but I only saw Zayn.

“Hey man.” He greeted me while yawning.

“Hey. Want breakfast?” I offered him the plate I just made; I could always make another for Nicola.

“Yeah, thanks Carter. How’d you sleep?” He grabbed a fork and started to eat.

“Didn’t even get to the point where my eyes shut. Nicola was worrying all night, and I didn’t want anything to happen to her.” I explained and started making another plate of breakfast for Nicola.

As I said Nicola’s name, Zayn immediately stopped chewing and looked up at me.

He swallowed. “Why was she worrying?” He asked.

“She thinks you guys hate her…” I told him.

“Wouldn’t blame her, we were all a little hard on her last night.” Perrie added in while walking into the kitchen. Eleanor and Louis trailed behind her looking half asleep.

“Why is everyone suddenly waking up?” I laughed.

“Because it’s kind of hard to sleep through all the noise you were making.” Louis laughed.

“Sorry…” I muttered.

“Noise? I just smelt food...” Niall admitted and everyone laughed.


After waking everyone up and them stealing the special breakfast I kept re-making, Nicola was still sound asleep in the living room, so I put her food, drink and on a tray.

I carefully placed the tray of food on the side table.

“Nicola…Wake up love. I made you breakfast?” I whispered in her ear and softly shook her awake.

She mumbled a mixture of unknown words and dinosaur noises while stretching. When finished, she went limp and opened her eyes slowly.

“Why did you wake me up?” She frowned.

“I made you breakfast!” I gestured towards the tray of food.

“Thank you!” She smiled and sat up.

I placed the tray of food on top of her lap and crawled into the couch-bed beside her. I turned on the TV and changed it to ‘Breaking bad’.

“Where’s your breakfast..?” Nicola looked away from the show and at me.

“I made it just for you! Well, and the other idiots that kept stealing the breakfast’s I made for you…” I chuckled lightly.

We heard a round of laughter from the kitchen from that sentence. Were they listening to us…?

“Well I don’t want to be the only one stuffing my face here so help me eat.” She put the plate in the middle of us.

I got up and walked into the kitchen to grab another spoon. When they heard me coming, everyone rushed to look normal and not like they were spying on us.

Everyone looked like they normally would, but Harry was grabbing his non-existent boobs with a donut in his mouth, and Niall was sitting like a model on the counter. I shook my head and walked back to where Nicola was.

“Way to look normal Niall and Harry!” I heard someone whisper, followed by a slapping noise.

“Ouch!” Niall whisper-yelled.

Me and Nicola laughed for a few minutes, me telling her what happened.

“Do they hate me…?” Nicola whispered to me when we finished the food.

“Um… I’m not sure…” I answered honestly.

~Nicola’s P.O.V~

“I think it’s time we all talked.” Liam said to me and Carter while walking into the living room, followed by everybody else.

“I was hoping you wouldn’t hear that...” I muttered to no one.

“Nicola why would you think we hate you?” Niall just came out and said it.

“Well it just seemed like it by the way you guys talked to me and acted…” I fiddled with my fingers.

“Well we definitely don’t hate you, and we never will.” Louis assured me.

“We were just worried and stressed, sorry that It came off as If we hated you.” Liam added in.

“We should just all forget this ever happened!” Dad declared.

We all agreed and hugged. I’m glad we’re all good again!


Hola! I know i promised to update more often, but please understand that im trying my best! I have some personal things going on in my life that are super important, and thats first priority. Also add school, after school activities, homework, ughh!! *sigh* 

I will NOT delete or end the story yet! I thought it through, and it wouldnt be fair to just end it without a proper ending. 

Guys i have a twitter for this fanfiction!! If you want to, follow me at @Megan_andLiz I will be posting when i updated, you guys can ask me questions, etc. I will follow back if you ask! (or if I like your profile ;P)

So i stayed up all night writing this chapter for you, so sorry if it makes literally NO sense!! 

For a while, the fandom had NO drama going on, but Louis sisters started drama with the Larry stuff and ugh!! I literally CANNOT decide if i ship Larry or Elounor! I love and support both (:

This authors note is getting long so... BYE BYE!! :D:D *Three year old Nicola wave*




S T A Y   B O O H T I F U L

LuLu xx !! :)

After I Fall (One Direction) *Extreme carrottness*Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα