"I didn't tell him we kissed." I whispered. He looked a little surprised and a little guilty while the feeling of hurt was written all over my face. I shook the emotion away as anger started to form, "I should go." I choked out, before pushing my way past him.


I grabbed the handle to his door and twisted it open, "Tell your sister I said happy birthday."

"Ethan!" Tobias grabbed my wrist and pulled me back, out of instinct I pushed him away, "Ethan I'm sorry. I didn't mean to—"

"Tobias leave me alone. I really don't care."

I did. I really did care and that's why I didn't want to stay. My gut told me I shouldn't have said yes to coming here, my gut told me to avoid having anything to do with him, but I didn't listen. Now look at where I'm ended up.

"Clearly you do!" I took a deep breath and just decided to keep my mouth shut before I spilled all my feelings out without knowing. This was not the time, or the place. And I had a feeling it was always going to be like that. There was never going to be a time or a place. "Ethan, I said I was sorry. It came out wrong, I don't have a problem with him knowing."

"But you do, and it's fine. You don't want to give people the wrong image. You're not gay, you're straighter than... a ruler." I rubbed my forehead before turning away from him and stared up at the door. "I still think I should leave..." I mumbled. With everything that just happened, I didn't want things to get more awkward.

"Oh, come on. You're the only person I invited. If you leave, then I'm stuck with 15 crazy kids." He whispered with slight humor disguised in the sentence.

I let out a light laugh and shook my head. Even when I'm angry at him, he still manages to make me crack a smile.

I turned my head slightly and saw him with a guilty smile on his face. It was obvious he felt bad and the more I thought about it, the more I felt bad.

His straight, so of course he would feel a certain way if people thought he was gay. I'm just the guy who just wishes he wasn't.

"Fine." I said with a sigh, "but, I need to use the bathroom."

"You're not going to try and sneak out on me, are you?" He said with a smirk, "Cause I'll go in with you to make sure—"

"I won't! I promise." I said with a light laugh. I left the room and made sure to close the door behind me, before letting out a deep breath I didn't even know I was holding. I closed my eyes and started to recollect my thoughts.

It can't be like this. I can't hang out with him, looking at him smile and laugh and not feel anything for it. His going through a lot with his ex, he practically has a full plate and I won't be the little boy who tips it over, spilling everything on the floor. I just can't.

"Hey." I shaky voice spoke, making me snap my head towards the direction the voice came from.

I opened my eyes and was met with the dark. The only source of light was coming from downstairs and from that, I could see a slight silhouette of a guy.


He sounded congested but when I saw him earlier, he didn't sound sick. I heard him sniff and let out a shaky sigh. He wasn't sick, he was crying. I'd never seen him in this state.

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