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"I know what you mean about him being annoying now" I laughed quietly. "I mean, not about talking to the partner, but the way he speaks"

She laughed in agreement.

"sorry about before, you know, I didn't mean to trip you up, I'm really clumsy" I admitted. There was no reply, so I looked up at her to see why. I caught her staring into my eyes. But as soon as I put my head up, she looked away.


I can't believe that he saw me looking into his eyes, we had a 2 second eye contact, then I looked away. ugh, why did I have to ruin it.

"so, do you forgive me?" he asked, his perfect voice, I could listen to it all day, as I could look into his eyes.

"oh yeah ,no probs, I'm pretty clumsy." I looked back up at him, blushing a little.



After english and maths it was break, I hadn't seen Josh in the second lesson because he was in a different set. I went to break and sat on a table with Kirsty and a few other friends, Jess, Jasmine and Tasha.

"so... how was your lesson with Josh?" Kirsty asked nudging me teasingly.

"it was alright and how do you know hes called Josh?" I asked comfusingly.

"he was in my last lesson, silly" she laughed. she was sort of annoying me now. "Look, he's over there why don't ask him to sit with us?"

I turned around to see his beautiful face looking around and then making eye contact with me once again. He smiled and I smiled back friendly.

"oooh someones in lovee!" Jasmine teased. I wasn't really fond of my other friends, just Kirsty, but yet sometimes she could get annoying too when she was around them.

"no I'm not!" I snapped. "I don't even like him." I heard the table go silent, and realised that Josh was standing behind me.

I sighed and put my head on the table in shame. I obviously did like him but I didn't want to say it in front of my friends.  I felt awful. he must think I was being 2 faced.

"no... I didn't mean it like that..." I said getting up from the table and walking to class as the bell went.


I was all wrong. she didn't like me, like I was hoping, in fact it was the whole other way round. though I don't blame her because I did trip her up.

I wanted to talk to her, I wanted to know why she didn't like me. to make it worse, I had no idea where my next lesson was. I asked Kirsty, she seemed like a nice person, but I could only see us as friends at the moment.

"your room is down the corridor and onto the left, I'm in the room next door so ill walk with you" she asked.

"cheers" I needed to make some more friends, other boys so I can talk and relate to them. to share my troubles.

Kirsty went into her lesson and I realised that this was my chance to make some friends. I was good at making friends, but I know it can be a bit awkward.

(don't know how it's turning out but hope you like it if anyone actually reads it haha comment if you actually are reading it to suggest improvements)

We Found Love / Josh Cuthbert Fan FictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora