Mercy for the weak

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      Whispers, bitter words to avoid a too painful reality,

only weapons left to the weak and disenchanted.

    Hurt, resigned, powerless and deceived,

their own choice's consenting fatality ;

They decided to shut themselves down, too scared to move and change;

they refuse to be blamed, to face their mistakes and learn.

      Better to project their guilt on the closest being,

      easier to face their life without the sting.

      Their precious target, guilty to have dared,

when they stayed stuck, and scared.

     Blinded by their certainties and petrified by doubts,  

 adding remorse and bitterness to their failures,  

 they no longer live, they just try to avoid the knockouts.

Fallen Angel's shadowsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя