Just Visiting

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This is my entry for travels_with_ouat's one shot contest.

"Damn that hurts," Emma mumbled as she laid back down onto the pillows.

Emma Swan was just in a car accident. Her boyfriend of three years broke up with her over text message. She thought they were in love, but apparently it was just her. She packed up her things and went out to her car, and drove away. But driving with blurry vision because of tears was hard, because she never saw the truck coming. She was in a head on collision with another driver. Thankfully the other person was okay, but she wasn't. Her ribs were cracked and her left hand was broken.

She stared up at the white ceiling of her hospital room. Tears welled in her eyes, but it wasn't because of her physical pain. Neal had been what felt like the love of her life, and he tossed what they had into the trash. Neal made her feel special when she was upset. She was abandoned by her parents as a baby, and no one was there for her. Had she just jumped to conclusions that someone was finally there for her? Yes. Did she actually wish that this would last? Yes. Neal was a great guy. He helped her after they met when she tried to rob his apartment. They had gone out for drinks, and drinks turned into dinner, and then they started dating. She was totally blindsided when he told her that they should break up.

A knock on the door interrupted her thoughts. She looked up and saw a dark haired man with stubble lining his face. He had blue and green balloons in one hand and lilies in the other.

"Emma is it?" He asked in a British, almost Irish accent.

"Yeah?" She asked hoarsely.

"You don't know me, but I'm friends with you boyfriend."

"I'm uh- I don't have a boyfriend. Not anymore."

"You broke up with Neal?"

"Actually, he broke up with me."

"I'm sorry, love." He placed the flowers down on the nightstand and placed the string of the balloons under them. "I'm Killian by the way."

"Emma," she sniffed and rubbed the tears from her eyes.

"Don't cry. Neal's an arse anyway."

"Trust me, I know. He broke up with me over text."

"Kinda wondering why I'm still friends with him. He obviously broke your heart."

"Yeah." Killian sat down in the chair beside the bed. "How did you know I was here?"

"There was a news segment about a crash. This is the third hospital I've been to trying to find you. Neal mentioned how you drove a yellow Volkswagen Beetle, and I just went to the closest hospital from the crash. It was hard looking for an Emma Swan at the two other hospitals."

"Killian, why are you here?"

He sighed and scratched the back of his head. "Neal showed me pictures of you and him together and talked about you a lot. So I uh, kinda grew an attraction to you?"

"Killian," Emma sighed.

"Hey, no. I understand that dating is the last thing on your mind, and I respect that. We can just be friends. If you want to be friends of course."

"That would be great." She smiled. "And I appreciate you coming here."

"Right." He stood up and brushed invisible lint off of his pants. "I don't want to bore you anymore, so I'll go."

"No! No. Stay. I want to get to know you. Please?"

Killian laughed and sat back down. "What do you want to know, love?"

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