Seeing Others Fail Doesn't Make You Successful

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Something I've been noticing recently is that people don't support each other enough in their successes. Like, whenever someone might be happy about and/or proud of something they've accomplished, there just has to be that person who comes along and bursts their bubble. And usually, the bubble bursting happens by the hands of multiple people. Why can't we just be happy for each other?? Just because someone else has succeeded at something, doesn't mean they're trying to be "better" than you, or that you're never going to succeed at anything in life. We shouldn't feel the need to bring others down in order to lift ourselves up.

It's honestly so annoying when someone is super excited about something they've accomplished and someone else goes and says something like "you don't need to brag." Tfffff yes they do need to brag! Let them shout it from the rooftops, they worked hard for that. Don't let your jealousy or whatever stand in the way of you being supportive of someone else's successes. Don't take away someone's happiness over something like that, it's selfish. If you're not happy with your own situation, then work to change it. There's no need to tear someone else down. Spread positivity and love y'all, karma will come back and treat you well. That's all I have to say for now.

Peace in the bum crease ✌🏾️

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2016 ⏰

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