Chapter 1

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Uni pov
Once agin I sat down waiting for My husband Jason
"Uh where is he"
I said to my self
This is not the first time he did this
I began to ask my self why did I married this man........
What did I do is this my fault ?
Where did I go wrong ?
Before I new it  time ticked by fasted
I decided to clean up
And put he's food and the microwave
After that I went to bed
And feel asleep

I woke up the next day to see Jason right beside me I got up to fix breakfast
And coffee
Jason: good morning
Uni: good morning how was your sleep
Jason: it was fine thank you what about yours
Uni: it was fine
Jason: sorry about last night
Uni: yah right you new I was cooking dinner for the both of us and then you had to come late
Jason: sorry.... I was busy
Uni: I just thought we could have an romantic dinner for once
Jason: I was working late and i wanted to get stuff done so I----
Uni cutting him off from saying anything else

Uni: I'm tiered of your excuses this is not the first time you have done this and I AM TIRED OF IT some times I think you don't even love me anymore
I said with tears in my eyes.

I got up and went up stares to Chang and then I got my pocket book and keys
Jason: wear are you going?
Uni:none of your business you just keep not carrying like you always have been doing .
After the argument I wanted to call my friend
Sedie: hello
Uni: hi um are you busy
Sedie: no
Uni: so do you think you can meet me at the coffee shop
Sedie: yes sure I will be there in 15 minutes
15 minutes later my friend Sedie Arrived at the coffee shop
Sedie: so what's up
Uni: me and Jason had an argument this morning.
Sedie: agin ?
Uni: yes and he was late for the romantic dinner I planed last night that's why we got in an argument.
Sedie: Agin he didn't show up for your dinner.
Uni: he didn't
Sedie: I'm telling you somethings not right
Uni: w-hat do you mean
Sedie: I'm sorry to tell you this but this mint not be none of my business but....... I think.... Your husband is having an affair.
Uni: no he can't be he would never do that to me
Sedie:lesson to me i think you and your husband should talk .

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