I chuckle a little and then bring Jaylen's phone to my ear. "Hello?"

"Baby," Chris' sort of raspy voice hums through the phone.


"You mad at me?" He asks and I can sense that he probably has some little pout on his face. Just imagining it makes me blush a little.

"Oh nah. Y'all not bouta be having cute moments and shit while on my phone. You better tell that nigga to call yours," Jay shakes his head and puts his hand out for his phone but Allie tells him to shut up.

"No.." I look down attempting to ignore Jaylen and Allie going back and forth. "I just think it was stupid."

"Stupid how? Layla I told yo-"

"I already know. The respect thing," I cut him off. "We just gonna have to agree to disagree on this, okay?"

"Aight then. But uh.. my mom put me on punishment so.."

"I mean, you got your phone so we'll live I guess."

"But then we can't s-"

"Allie shut up and lemme get my damn phone!" Jaylen huffs. "You know these niggas can talk for hours. Not today, Satan. Not on my phone at least."

I laugh at him being so pressed and Chris says to me, "He complaining right now?"

"Yeah. He said we can talk for hours but we not about to on his phone."

Chris chuckles and then tells me, "Tell him to shut the hell up."

Once I tell him, Jaylen takes the phone from me and him and Chris go back and forth for a little while before Chris hung up on him. Not long after they got off the phone, Chris texted me: call me as soon as you get home

~Later That Day~

"Hey Layla," my snitch of a sister says to me as soon as I entered the living room. She's laying across the couch watching what looks like that movie Dope probably through Netflix.

"Hi," I respond dryly.

I honestly don't wanna speak to her. It's like she goes out of her way to ruin things for me and even though me and Chris aren't over just because my parents said so, the fact that she told them something so one track minded, like a freaking six year old would, shows how little she cares about me being happy.

"Why so dull?" She raises an eyebrow at me.

"I'm not interested in telling you anything, Sasha. Not now and probably not in the long run," I admit sort of bluntly, but it was true. She told me to tell her what happened so that she wouldn't tell, so I tell her and what does she do?

Still tell.

I know that I definitely can be petty, but I'm not exactly sure if what I'm doing right now is considered petty because I'm sure that lots of people would have the same reaction as me if their sibling did what Sasha did. Plus, she doesn't even know the full story and she's jumping to conclusions.

"Ouch..." She trails off. "It's not that serious. It's just a boy."

"But you don't even know what fully happened and you're all like 'oh, he's a bad influence,'" I mock her. "What you did was stupid."

"Okay then. Tell me the full story and maybe I'll understand better," she suggests.

"I'll pass..." I turn her offer down and leave the living room.

Once I make it to my room, I get out of the clothes that I wore during school and then sit on the end of my bed. For about ten seconds, the sound of an outgoing FaceTime call is the only thing heard.

As soon as Chris answers, I quickly get up to turn my TV on because that'll cover up the sound of his voice. Knowing Sasha, if I didn't do this, she'd hear his distinct voice and come in here trying to run some shit.

"You just got home?" Chris asked as soon as his faced popped up on my screen and then he shuffled around a bit.

"Yeah. Gym was boring without you," I tell him.

Before, when I didn't like him, it wasn't really a big deal, but now that I've gotten so used to him, it's like without him being there something was missing.

Chris smiled big and then had an out burst. "Ha! You missed ya nigga, huh?"

"Just a little bit," I tease.

"Stop playing. How much did you miss me, babe?" He asks me.

"Just this much," I make only a pinch of space between my thumb and pointer finger.

"Oh yeah?" Chris makes a 'yeah right' face at me. "Well I missed you this much," he sits his phone down and opens his arms wide pretty much indicating he missed me a lot.

"I know I already told you to stop being cute," I joke after smiling a little.

"Can't help myself," Chris comments and then picks his phone back up bringing it close to his face again. "Being cute is in my blood. Plus, I got a fine ass girlfriend, so, yeah," his cheeks dimpled as he smiles goofily at me again and I can't help but laugh.

He's... adorable.

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