So try and love me while you can [Zacky Vengeance]

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*okkayss everyone I tried to take a break from writing but I just can't! I hope you guys like this one, it's gonna take me a while to upload so bare with me please!*

“Kyle Lynn Bower! Get your scrawny ass down here!” My inebriated mother shouted from the living room.

I groaned and shut my brothers door and went downstairs. My mother was sitting on the couch, holding an empty liquor bottle and glaring at me.

“Go get me more booze.” She told me. I scoffed and put my hands on my hips.

“No way, you’ve had enough for both of us.” I told her.

She narrowed her eyes at me and threw the bottle at me. Luckily, she was so drunk the bottle missed me and smashed into the wall.

“Nice throw.” I said under my breath.

My mother grumbled something and picked her purse up off the ground and pulled herself up.

“Fine, you ingrate, I’ll get my own!” She shouted as she stomped out of the house.

I shook my head and picked up some glass and sighed.

“Yeah, I’m the ingrate.” I mumbled.

As I was cleaning up the mess my mother made, I heard little feet running down the stairs.

“Kyle, where’s momma?” My little brother, Troy asked from the bottom of the stairs.

I sighed and picked him up and put him on the couch.

“Out.” I told him. He frowned and nodded.

He knew what that meant.

“Hey, stay on the couch okay? There’s glass everywhere.” I told him. He nodded and flicked on the tv.

By the time I had all the glass picked up and thrown away, it was 9. I groaned and went upstairs to put my ‘uniform’ on.

Well, if fishnets, a black thong and bra counted as a uniform. I put a skirt and a zip up hoodie on to cover myself and started curling my long blonde hair. When I was finished, I put on some makeup and my heels and went to get Troy.

“Come on bud, let’s go to Shawna’s.” I told him.

Troy jumped up and slid his shoes on and ran to my car. Shawna is one of my oldest friends. She knows all about my mother and my situation and she babysits Troy while I work nights. Shawna is also engaged to a wonderful man named Charles, who doesn’t exactly like me very much because of my ‘occupation.’

Charles just happened to be waiting on the porch when I pulled into Shawna’s driveway. I rolled my eyes and Troy sighed.

“He doesn’t like you very much.” Troy whispered. I smiled at him and ruffled his hair.

“I know, but he’ll just have to deal with me.” I told him. Troy smiled and got out of the car. I got out behind him and walked him to the door.

“Hi Charlie.” Troy said. Charlie nodded and let Troy in the house.

“Kyle.” He said with venom in his words.

I smiled as big as I could and waved.

“Hi Charlie, I’ll be back in the morning.” I told him with my words full of sweetness.

Charlie glared at me and crossed his arms over his chest.

“When you’re done degrading your body?” He spat at me.

I bit my tongue and turned to leave.

“Goodnight Charlie.” I called from the car.

He didn’t return my goodnight. Instead he stomped into the house and shut the door. I shook my head and headed off to work. Mac, our bouncer was waiting at the door for me when I pulled up.

“Sin, you better haul ass.” He said in his deep, gruff voice. I rolled my eyes and walked in the building.

“Sin! Where the hell have you been?” My boss Angelo called from the back room.

“Angelo, chill out. I’m not even late.” I called back to him.

He came out of the back and pushed me into the dressing room and shut the door.

“Hurry up and undress, you’ve got some very important clients tonight.” He said as he pulled the zipper of my hoodie down.

I rolled my eyes and smacked his hand away.

“God Angelo, how important can they be in this place?” I joked with him.

He rolled his eyes and took the hoodie off my shoulders.

“You’ll see. Room one, go.” He said as he spanked my ass to get me moving.

I sighed and walked down the hallway to room number one and took a deep breath before I opened the door. If I would have known who was behind it, I think I would’ve called off.

So try and love me while you can [Zacky Vengeance]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя