More about Eva

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"Hey...can I come in???, "I knocked on the door.
"Please.....!",She said
I stepped into her room.she was busy with texting.
"Hellooo....!",she said
"How do you feel???"
"Fine...I think...!!"
"Ehmmm..come here", she said in a strong voice
I stepped near to her and get seated near to her.
"So...!"she asked
"How about a ride??" she asked
"Ride???? Bike????"
"Yeah...that will make you feel better.."
"Mmmm...okay.." I said
"Man..! Get ready..! Don't be lazy...!!"
"Okay..."I said hardly
Still I feel so was so hard to forgot all that.and its all because of me.its all my mistake..I hardly took a shower and get dressed..
Eva is an outstanding bike rider.she have a Royal Enfield classic 350 and our parents hate about her caze on bike and riding.sometimes she crazily ride to somewhere and I'll be sticking on the back seat...I love her crazy stunning overtaking and her timing..I'm sure that no one else can ride like my sister.. She is such an amazing rider...
" hey,shall we...!!??" I asked
"Sure" she said and stuffed her pocket with a packet of cigarette
The only thing I hate is this..her habit of smocking.. I fucking hate it..and she know that clearly so she don't smoke much when I'm with her..
"Cigarette???? "I asked
" oh I'm sorry"she said
We stepped towards the bike.she gave me a backpack and said"Carry this"
We get seated and she started the engine..!!

My Crazy SisterМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя