Misguided Ghosts

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♡ Josh's pov ♡

I finally got back home from Remi's house and I was greeted by and angry looking couple.

"Josh... what is that?" Tyler asks me and holds up his phone to the picture of me and the teenage doll kissing.

"I already told you, she did it herself. I hated it too!" I retort instantly regretting it.

"I'm sorry..." I apologize.

"It's fine," Tyler says and walks to the couch sitting in the living room.

"What are we going to do?" I ask.

◇ Remis' pov ◇

I laid in bed staring at my dimly lit ceiling, thinking about how adorable Josh is. It's a shame he is probably already dating someone. I hear the familiar knock of my brother and he walks into my room. He walks over the carpet and takes a seat at the end of my bed.

"So, how are you feeling?" Davis asks me with pure concern. I sit up and look at him on the verge of tears.

"Lost, stressed, depressed, anxious, empty," I say and choke a bit on the rising bump in my throat," a girl like me would never have Josh as my boyfriend, and it's sad. Its hard when you love someone, but they don't love you back."

Davis looks at me with tears threatening to spill. I cower my head into my knees and didn't show any emotion. I heard Davis walk over to me and draped his muscular arms around my shoulders.

"You know... the people who cry, are stronger than the people who don't," He says. His large hand squeezes my shoulder and I bring my chin to rest on top of my knees and look forward.

"Guess I'm not a strong person," I say with no emotion in my voice. I sounded like a robot.

Davis started to get up from next to me and kissed the top of my head.

"Goodnight, I have to go to work tommorrow," He walked to the door and I quickly remembered I didn't go to work today.

"Oh shit! I have work tommorrow and I forgot to go today!" I frantically say and reach for my phone that is on my desk charging.

"Don't worry. I called in for you, I got you a whole week off," He laughed and left my room with closing the door behind him.

I lay back down sighing and remembered my job at the art gallery. Ms. Mullins understands right? She has been nice to me ever since I began working there three years ago with her and her husband. I work for a cute elderly couple.

I look to my left and see my alarm clocks' red numbers saying 1:34 am.

I have to go to sleep. With that, I laid down on my back and fell asleep fast, but for some reason I couldn't move my body, but my mind was awake. I opened my eyes and strange noises filled my ears and pictures clouded my vision. I closed my eyes shut again and found myself in a white room.

I was standing there in a white hospital gown, as the mirror reflected. My face was blurred including my feet and hands. I turned around saw Josh blurred just like me looking at me. I keep noticing more and more details as the vision gets clearer and clearer, a noose was being placed on Joshs' neck, but his body was getting more and more blurry as the black hands tied it more and more. I attempted to scream, but it didn't happen. I couldn't move anything, all I could see was him slowly dieing and being pulled back by black hands until I couldn't take it anymore.
I screamed out for his name, but he didn't respond he was just struggling, pulling at the rope. I bent down to my knees crying out his name. I couldn't watch anymore and turned around to the mirror and found my self not blurry but blood red tears were falling off my cheek and stained the ground below.
"Remi..." a faint voice pleaded behind me. I turned around and saw Josh lying on the ground motionless and his face wasn't blurry either.

I woke up crying out his name and Davis was dressed in pants and a dress shirt. His brown hair brushed neatly, as always.

"What's wrong? Was it a nightmare?" Davis asked as he fixated his golden Rolex around his left wrist.

I nod my head in response and looked at the clock beside me it read 6:45 am.

"Get some sleep, you need it. If you need anything call me. If I don't respond, go to Mr. Wiggins next door. If he doesn't answer, call Josh. I trust him," Davis stressed out every word he said and left to his lexus.

What am I going to do alone, bad thoughts flow through my head when I'm alone. I can't be alone.

I hear the garage close signaling Davis has left. I decide to fall asleep to drown out the thoughts, but I regret that.

I screamed out for him unable to recover his dead body lifeless and pale. I walk over to him but to notice shackles were buckled around my ankle limiting where I walk. I reach Josh, and he's dead. Slowly I kneel next to him and cry my blood red tears over him making red droplets appear on his hospital gown.
"Josh..." I say faintly and place a kiss onto his mouth hoping it would be like a fairytale, he'd wake up after my magical kiss.

I woke back up sweating in my comfortable bed. I look to my side and see it is 11:13 am. Time for me to get up.

I walk over to my bathroom and look at my self in the mirror. My white hair a mess as always but my eyes were bloodshot like someone put a droplet of their own blood into my eyes like an eye medicine. I looked closer in but spotted one thing in the mirror behind me, I turn around quickly, dizziness falls all over me.

I'm hallucinating, but how?

I stand up immediately feeling a bad head rush, it felt like someone stabbed my cranium with millions of needles and put an anvil on top making them dig deeper damaging not only my physical strength, but my mental strength.

Running through the hallway to my room colorful shapes followed me and my vision was turning into blackness.

I quickly grab my phone and click on what I thought was Davis' contact, but someone else picked up.


"Hey Rem-"

I cut him off onto the verge of hyperventilatin,

"Josh, please help, strange things are happening, weird noises, shapes, my vision is going blurry, please help. The extra key is under the bird bowl..."

Every thing went blurry and I fell back clouded in darkness.


Muahahah, I left it off on a cliffhanger. I don't know if any of those symptoms are a real thing but, whatever.

Stay street - Lisa

Star Gazer (Josh Dun)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora