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They sat around the fire eating the trail mix mark found in the car.
Jack coughed, and mark put a blanket around him.
Mark: You cold?
Jack: Mhm. Thanks for the blanket.
Mark: No problem Sean.
Awkward silence.
Jack: Mark...when you carried me out of the car....i knew i was gonna live, and i was happy.
Mark: I couldn't watch you be injured...I'm stubborn that way.
Jack: I'm supposed to be sentimental here.
Mark: But i care about you too much.
Mark placed his hand on Jack's face.
Mark: You're too precious to lose.
Jack: Mark....
Jack places his hand on Marks. Mark stares into his eyes, jacks eyes glintered again.
Jack: What are you doing to my head fichband?!
Mark: It's not me. It's just how you feel.
Jack: I don't know. Im so confused!
Mark: Don't be confused Sean. Look at me.
Jack looks into Mark's eyes. Mark leaned closer.
Jack: Your eyes comfort me.
Mark: I know they do.
Before jack could say anything, Mark wrapped him in a hug.
Mark: I will always protect you Sean william Mcloughlin.
Jack: Mark fichband! Are you saying....
Mark: Shut up. Just shut up. Love me jackaboy.
Jack: Mark i-
Mark cut him off with a kiss on the lips. Jack cried.
Mark hugged the irishman tightly.
Mark: I love you jackarooni.
Jack: I love you too Markimoo.

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