The Rebels vs. The Innocents (GirlxGirl)

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   Jade and Storm Nightwall are sisters by blood. They're just alike, in many ways. So many ways, except looks. They crave the color black, and hate rules. They're known as the 'Nightwall Rebels' or Clairemont High School.

   Sophia and Naomi are the complete opposite. Sisters too, yes. But far less dangerous, and far less rebellious. In fact, the thought of realism scares them. These two are the innocents: the tattooless, natural hair color, piercingless sisters of Clairemont High. 

   But what if, these two pairs just happen to cross on one reason: the only thing they can agree on.

   Their sexuality.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Sep 16, 2013 ⏰

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