1~ Faster Than You Can Say Transfiguration

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It wasn't supposed to be like that. I was supposed to get married, have kids, and never have to look at another man again. Right?.... Wrong.

But everything changes. People. Places. Weather. Everything. He was one of my best friends. I fell in love, and eventually, so did he. So after a year of dating, we decided to get married. It was a huge affair. Everybody in the wizarding world attended. I put on my white dress. I promised him my life, but even I have things that will make me leave faster than you can say 'transfiguration'.

It didn't matter to me that I have a daughter with him. He cheated on me. So, I packed mine and Rose's things, and left before he got off work.

I've put up with a lot from him over the past three years we've been married. The fighting. The threats. He wouldn't even hold my hand after I had Rose, that is until I got my 'figure' back. Little did I know that while I was at home, caring for his child, he was off having fun with some tramp. I really should have known. With his constant working late, and even when he was at home he was somewhere else. Stupid me.

Anyways, that was six months ago. Six months of the constant back and forth. My daughter hopping between her mother and father. She's only two and a half, so she doesn't understand, maybe one day I'll explain, but not yet.

Six months of court hearings. It's exhausting. I said he could have everything, except our daughter and half the money. He's fighting saying he wants soul custody of Rose, claiming that I'm an unfit mother, and she needs a house with both a mother and a father. The only reason he can give her that is because he knocked up his mistress so they eloped. I can't believe him.

He cheats on me, but I'm the 'unfit' parent. Makes sense right? Wrong.

As I'm walking out of the court house I hear, "Mrs. Weasley! Wait!"

I roll my eyes and say, "It's Ms. Granger now, thank you. Now, if you could please make this quick, I need to get to my mother's house to pick up my daughter." I turn around and see who it's is. Taylor, the mistress. I glare.

"Sorry, I tend to forget," she says as she does an annoying hair twirl and talks as though she is the most innocent person ever. Like she isn't the reason I'm having to go through this.

"Tend to forget that you're Mrs.Weasley now? Anyway, what is it you'd like to converse with me?"

"Converse as in the shoes? That doesn't make sense.." She trails off as though she's deep in thought.

Speaking with her is like talking to a popsicle stick. I could have a more intelligent conversation with Rose, and she's only a toddler.

"Converse, as in conversation." I roll my eyes at the blonde.

She's a meaty woman with long scrunchy blonde hair. I don't know what Weasley saw in her, other than she's easier than canned cheese. She's uglier than Bulstrode was at Hogwarts. Unfortunately, I have to be pleasant with her, for now, because if I'm not I could lose my daughter.

"Anyway, Taylor, what is it you wanted to talk to me about?" I give her my most pleasant fake smile.

"Oh, yes, I just thought I'd let you know, you're not going to win this. I don't care about the brat. You can have her, but I will get that money. No. Matter. What."

"Is that a threat?" I ask with a scowl that would rival Malfoy's.

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