Chapter 14 - I can't lose him

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Peering down I could see police lights surrounding the building, cars moving slowly in all directions trying to get away and even the odd news helicopter whirring nearby.

There was one thing that caught my attention, one thing above everything else. About 10 floors below us there was a massive hole in the side of the building. It sparked and it curved inwards. Whatever caused it did so from the outside. Whatever caused it was now in the building. Who or what was it? I'll give you one guess.

"Lauren, what is it?" There was no way I could hide the fear in my face no matter how hard I tried. Dr Lizard let me live once, I highly doubt he'd do the same again.


Without another word we dead locked the lab. I worked on the doors and the emergency exits whilst Gwen set off the sprinkler system. We were shrouded in a cloud of smoke, the antidote still needing 30 seconds to complete and now, now we were out of time.

The heavy metal doors that were meant to keep us safe, protected starting to crumble at the force from the other side. Connors was breaking in and it was only a matter of a second or two before he got through.

Not wasting a moment I grabbed hold of Gwen's hand and pulled her into the medical storage closet. There was barely enough room for one person, never mind two.

Gwen was starting to lose it, she was shaking violently, tears were threatening to spill and her breathing was getting louder and more erratic. I didn't blame her. I wasn't much different.

I put my finger to my lips and stared straight at Gwen, my way of telling her not to make a sound. We gripped on to each other's hands, covering our mouths with our free ones and begged silently that we wouldn't be found.

From where we were it was impossible to see what was going on in the lab, it was however obvious that Connors was now inside. We could hear him, his audible exhales, his path of destruction. He was getting closer and closer to our hiding place and I didn't know what the hell to do. Sitting ducks definitely came to mind.

From the crashing noises I could hear him making, it sounded like he was looking for something. Not the antidote. He wouldn't be interested in that. He was trying to turn the city, not heal them.

Wracking my brain it hit me, I knew what he was looking for, I knew all along. How did it slip my mind?

I don't remember seeing the disbursement device in the lab whilst I was there. Connors would need it to deposit his compound into the air. He must know it was here, he was searching so frantically.

Taking my eyes momentarily off of Gwen's face I looked around at the dark closet, a sinking feeling hitting me. I was right to feel that way. There sitting hidden in the corner was the device that the mutant doctor now desperately searched for.

Holy shiitake mushrooms

My breathing started to hitch, I was panicking and after following the direction of my gaze it wasn't long before Gwen worked out why.

I barely had time to move nearer to my best friend, needing her as close as possible when all of a sudden she emitted the loudest and most terrifying scream I have ever heard in all of my life. No sound that I had ever made could compare to that, even with everything I'd been through.

He was there. He was staring right at us. In one swift move mutant Connors ripped the door from its hinges. We didn't stand a chance. God I wish Peter was here right now. Where the hell was he?

I grabbed hold of the first thing my hands landed on, picking up the metal contraption and swinging it at the lizards face. It didn't faze him, it didn't faze him one bit. Catching a glance at the label on the thing I was holding I realised what it was. It was an ignition canister and I didn't hesitate in letting it off. I manoeuvred so Gwen was behind me and held it towards the lizard, bright orange flames flowing in his direction. From the way he reacted, I could have been tickling him with a feather. He paid me and Gwen no attention. He could care less about us. He'd seen what he had come for and that's all he focused on, all he wanted.

Reaching in and taking hold of the disbursement device Connors didn't give us even a glance before moving away and making his way out of the lab. He was really eager to get this done, wasn't he?

When he was out of sight every ounce of strength in my body left and Gwen and I sank to the floor, holding on to each other for dear life. We both cried, both breathed sighs of relief because we were both still ok. I was so ready for this day to be over.

Slowly we stepped out from the safety of the medical closet, looking around at the devastation and still clinging to one another. There was nothing to say he wouldn't turn around and come charging back in.

"ANTIDOTE COMPLETE" the computer system called out, breaking the tense silence. Now it was ready? Typical.

Rummaging through the debris I found Peter's backpack that I had discarded on the floor when I first arrived in the lab.

"Please have service. Please have service," I called out loud, pulling my cell phone free and rushing towards the still open window, hoping that would make a difference.

Two bars. Thank god.

Dialling Pete's number I paced, just like he would.

"Come on Pete, pick up."

"Lauren, why are you calling Peter? We've got to get this antidote to Spider-Man."

"That's what I'm trying to do." Oh crap, that was a major slip up.

"What? are you gonna achieve that by calling Peter?" Gwen stuttered, realisation crossing her features after she went silent for a few moments.

I hung up the phone when Pete failed to pick up. I had to believe that he didn't answer because he was swinging somewhere and couldn't get to it. I couldn't let myself wonder any other possibilities.

"Lauren, my mind is reeling right now and I'm scared and confused. I just need you to be honest with me. I need you to tell me the truth. Is Peter Spider-Man?"

"Gwen, it's..."

"He is, isn't he?"

"Gwen, we don't have time for this. We need to get out of here."

I didn't give her a chance to respond, to question me further. Taking a tight grip on her hand and securing the antidote in my possession I pulled us through the opening in the torn door and went towards the stair well. I'd never run so fast in my life.

"Gwen, go outside, find your Dad and tell him what's happened. We need as much help as we can get." I practically pushed her towards the stairs.

"You're saying that like you're not coming."

"Someone has to stop Connors. Maybe I can do something, maybe I can help."

"Lauren, are you crazy? I'm not leaving without you."

"Please Gwen, you have to go now." I couldn't stop the tears that were pouring down my face. I couldn't go, not knowing Peter was in danger up above. I had to help. I had to be with him.

"You don't want to stay because of Connors do you? This is about Peter, about Spider-Man."

"I can't lose him Gwen. I can't leave."

Catch Me // Spider-Man (BOOK 1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ