Chapter 20

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Noelle's POV

Holy Shit what the fuck how could Andre do this to us I can't believe this. This just makes me think is Shyanne in on it to? How the hell am I gonna get help? I don't really know the rest of the gang and if I did they would probably take forever to get them back so guess I'm just gonna have to do it myself. Wait what the fuck what if I die then who's gonna help me Jesus christ take the wheel.

I picked up the badge and looked through Diego's desk for the codes to his weaponry vault in the basement. As soon as I found them I went downstairs to the fault grabbed a black backpack which was like really cool looking, then I grabbed some rope two grenades which I was very careful with a lighter, a taser, and two guns and my favorite throwing knives Diego taught me how to throw knives and they are my favorite weapon. I went upstairs and dressed in all black I made sure to put on sneakers and not be like the idiots in movies who decide it would be ok to wear heels or boots and then end up running slow as hell and die. Anyways then I went to the garage grabbed my keys to my black Audi R8 and took out Andres badge it had a code on so I typed it into the keypad in my car and it turned out to a destination so I decided to follow.

The navigation system led me to am abandoned warehouse. This is so cliché like they couldn't pick something different to place their hostages so unoriginal. I waited until it was about 10:00 p.m. to go in I put on my bullet proof vest and my night vision glasses because there was no way I was wearing the goggles, I grabbed my bag and got out of the car and walked to the building.

As soon as I got to the front I saw two guards so I took out my knives and slowly crept on them I stabbed the first guy from behind which made the other one turn around and charge at me I kicked him in the stomach making him fall while sliced the first guards throat and then his. I took both of their badges knowing they probably have access to everything and continued my way there was another pair of guards and I took them out with my gun I know it made a lot of noise and that's what I wanted I was going to follow the guards because I knew they were gonna check on the guys and I could find them.

I saw a guy go into a secret room he used his badge to get in so I followed I quickly went through the door and that's where I saw them three different cells Diego in the first Parker in the second and Tyler in the last along with their watchman Andre. I saw his keys hanging on the side of the wall they were in Tylers reach. I signaled Tyler to look at the keys and told him I would make a scene so that he could grab them and get himself out.

"Hey everyone look who's here." I yelled They all turned their heads and looked at me in shock.

"Noelle how did you get up here we have guards everywhere." Said Andre

"Yea you do but most of them are dead now soooooo if you don't mind I'll just take my passengers and go." I said

"Actually we can't let you do that." I knew that voice anywhere how could she do this to me. I turn around to see my so called best friend Cheyanne holding a gun towards my head.

"Cheyanne why how could you." I said hurt.

"I mean it was easy all I had to do is pretend to like you." She said in a plain tone.

"So all this time you've been lying to me."

"Wow you catch on quick yes I've been lying about everything I have ever done including liking you, my pregnancy, and that me and Andre are together he's just my partner in this. I honestly do know why I still have this thing on." She took off her fake pregnant belly it looked so real.

"Now if you don't mind I'd like to kill you." She said smiling

"Ok go on ahead kill me." I said I took off my vest and dropped everything and surrendered. She pointed the gun at me and I waited. Then suddenly she put it down. "Can't do it can you so why don't you put the gun down and fight like a real woman should."

She charged at me which was a bad idea because I easily blocked her and took a jab at her face. I punched and kicked her I think I may have broke her nose. While she fell she managed to almost trip me but I kicked her in the stomach she got back up and she made a dumb move to charge at me again and I punched her in the face and down she goes I win.

Suddenly I hear a gun go off I look around to see who got shot but everyone is looking at me I looked down and to see that Andre had shot me in the shoulder and that hurts like a bitch.

"Looks like it's just you and me." Said Andre.

"No dip sherlock" I said in a smart tone. I look over to see Tyler still struggling to get the keys.

He pointed his gun at me but I quickly threw my knife and it hit him in the chest and he fell to the ground. I quickly got the keys and unlocked the cells I unlocked Parker and Tyler Cells Then Diego's while I was unlocking Diego's cell all I heard was Parker scream "Noelle watch out" and I turned around and was shot in the side.

"Noooooo get me out of here now." I heard Diego scream.

Parker unlocked his cell while Tyler finished Andre off. Diego ran to me I could see tears in his eyes.

"Noelle baby" He kissed my head

"We need to get out of here now." I said

Diego helped me up I grabbed my bag and we left. As soon as we got to the car I gave Parker the keys and we left. As we were in the car it became harder breathe I started to feel sleepy but it became harder to stay awake.

Diego's POV

"Get us to the hospital now" I yelled

"No, I'm tired of going to the hospital, I don't want to go there anymore."  Noelle said 

"Take us to the gang house then." I said

Parker pressed on the gas I can't lose her I've been so close before I just can't lose her now. I noticed her eyes started to close.

"No no Noelle baby you have to stay awake baby cmon you can do it." I said

"I'm trying my hardest."  She said

We arrived at the gang house and I picked her up and ran in.

"Wheres the medical room." I yelled

A man leads me and the guys to the room. I laid Noelle on the bed and gave parker gauze and told him to put pressure on the wound, while I got ready to stitch her up.

"Please don't touch it, it hurts." Said Noelle.

"I have to get the bullets out babe." I said

"This is going to hurt like a bitch isn't it?" She asked

"Yes, now I'm going to count to three and I'm going to pull the bullet out of your shoulder and then out of your side ok."




I stuck the tweezers in her shoulder and got the bullet out.

"That one didn't hurt so bad." Said Noelle

"Now for the side."




I stuck the tweezers into her side to get the bullet out and she screamed to the top of her lungs.

"Hey baby, baby it's ok I got." I tried to soothe her by stroking her hair.

"I have to stitch you up ok." I kissed her cheek.

I cleaned up her wound and stitched her up she flinched a little but I made sure to be very gentle.

"I'm done, are you ok?" 

"I'm fine, just in a little pain." she mumbled

"Alright well, I want you to get some sleep ok." 


I kissed her on the forehead and went to my room in the gang house.

My Beloved Italian CeoDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora