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welcome to New Haven

important: there are no mates in this story. they meet and fall in love like normal people. some fall in love with humans, while others fall in love with people in their pack.

not edited


Hands curl around my jean clad bent knees as the taxi slows down at the curb. Stomach feeling queasy, I let out a shaky sigh as the driver looks at me through the rearview mirror. The driver raises a thick, dark eyebrow as his patience waiting turns impatient; his leg soon bouncing in anticipation. "Is this the wrong house or something?" The middle aged man asks with distain in his voice.

My hand reaches in my front pocket. Taking out a fifty dollar bill, I place it in the driver's palm when he reaches back for it. "No, this is the right address," I murmur, not wanting to get out, but know if I don't Jeremy will just keep blowing up my phone worrying about me—Jeremy being my second father figure, especially after my parents died. Just thinking of my parents made standing a struggle.

Pushing the taxi door open, the cool wind hits my bare arms, sending goose bumps spreading over my flesh. Grabbing my purse, I manage to shut the door. Going to the trunk, it flies open, almost hitting me in the face—lovely. With much trouble, I manage to get out my two suitcases then shutting the top of the trunk before the taxi drives away, leaving me standing at the curb of the driveway. The house used to be what I considered home, now not so much. Not with my parents gone.

My feet only allow me to walk to the sidewalk. My chest starts to feel tight, remembering the last time I was in this house was the night I found their bodies. My breath hitches as uncomfortable memories invade my mind. All the times I fought to keep them down in the past does not hold up now.

A brush of a hand on my back jolts me out of the memory. Turning, I throw my hand out for it to just be caught. The grip on my wrist tightens, but not too much to cause me pain. "Nice to see you're back in New Haven." Jase, of course he'd be the first to be here. The guy who has always been there for me and the man I ran from out of pain. One thing is for sure—I miss him.

Once our eyes make eye contact, the furrow in his brow goes away and his hand lets go of my wrist. Jase has changed since the last time I saw him—physically at least. He grew out his brunette locks to have them just about to brush his shoulders. He must've decided to skip shaving for what looks like months, but he keeps it just the right amount to not be considered Santa in his youth.

His presence is just too much. I missed him so much these past months when I finished my last year of college, but how can I possibly tell him that? It won't be that easy. I left him without a word. Jeremy had to be the one to tell him I went back to college. Blinking multiple times, I turn slightly so he doesn't see my vulnerability. I shrug, trying to pass by all my emotions. "I'm back. But you already know why. Where's Jeremy? He said he'd meet me here."

"He's coming later. He knew I could take care of you until he's able to make it," Jase states, his voice still sends chills down my spine, causing goose bumps to spread across my skin again.

My eyes roam back to Jase for a quick second before taking my two suitcases by the handle to start rolling them up the driveway. When I hit the three steps to the porch, the weight of the suitcases are too much, making me struggle to pull them up.

"I got it," Jase mumbles, placing one hand on the bottom of each and pushing them up the steps for me. "Let me take a suitcase."

My hands tighten around each handle. "I'm capable of rolling a suitcase."

New HavenNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ