3. Poisoned Suffering

Comincia dall'inizio

Silently walking alongside the corridors, not making a sound to anyone. Mistakingly, he ran into Blaise.

"Draco," Blaise barked,"Where have you been?"

Draco shrugged his shoulders in reply.

"Well, you forgot your potion notes but, why are they in a completely different language?"

Draco tensed, his skin becoming more pale.

"There is a whole load of 's' like words. Is t-this Parseltongue?" Blaise concluded. Draco slowly nodded and took the notes out of Blaise's hands.

"Can you only speak it too? That's why you don't talk?"

Draco nodded again.

"Did someone put a spell on you?"

Draco shook his head 'yes'. He never would've thought that Blaise could figure this out.

"Can it be undone?" Draco shrugged his shoulders.

Blaise sighed,"You should get some help."

Draco furrowed his brows and did some kind of 'who?' gesture. Blaise seemed to caught on.

"The only person who can speak Parseltongue and that's not cursed is Potter. He could help."

Draco's eyes widen and shook his head furiously.

"Well, if you want this gone than someone has to help. And Potter is the only reasonable choice!" Blaise exclaimed.

Draco relaxed and strictly nodded his head. He did absolutely want this curse gone. And he wanted it gone, and that meant the need to ask for help. Draco never asked for help but, he desperately needed it.

"Good. But, you're telling him," Blaise patted Draco on the shoulder before leaving him alone.

Draco's mind was in a huge battle. He was shaking, his breathing didn't seem to calm him down. He turned on his heel going to look for the Golden Boy. Draco played with hem of his robe sleeve as he walked down to library.

The library seemed quite empty although he saw Hermione sitting alone rummaging through some books. So, Harry wasn't with her. Next was the Quidditch field. Taking his time to get there he saw Ron walking with Dean. Harry wasn't with Ron either. Draco huffed in annoyance. Where could he be?

Draco decided he would just wait until tonight to tell him. He was now walking back to his dorm, where he was supposed to be going in the first place. Walking into the slightly vacant common room, he saw Harry and Ginny sitting on the couch together.

Draco mentally cursed himself. He went to the nearest table, he pulled out some parchment. Dipping his quill into the ink he scribbles down:

I need to talk to you, it's important. Meet me in our dorm.

Throwing the quill down he folded it and quietly walked up to behind the couch. He tossed the paper on the couch on the middle of the Harry and the Weaslette. He hurried and darted into their dorm waiting. He could still hear what they were saying though.

"Harry what's that?" Ginny asked.

He heard someone unfolding the parchment.

"Uh, Harry... How can you read that? It makes no sense," the Weasley exclaimed.

"Ginny I need to go," he heard Harry finally speak. He heard Harry get up walk towards their dorm. Draco leaned against the wall, preparing himself.

The door opened and closed, he saw the muscular boy approach.

"What is it?" Harry asked.

"I'm sort of cursed and can only speak Parseltongue," Draco felt relived that he can finally talk to someone.

"Is that why I can only understand you?"

Draco nodded,"Basically. But, I need your help to uncurse me."

"Who cursed you?"

"My father," Draco said.

Harry sighed,"I'll help you but, I'll need to tell Hermione in order to help."

"Fine," Draco agreed.

Draco walked up to Harry and jumped, wrapping his legs around the masculine waist. The strong arms wrapped around Draco's back. Draco cupped Harry's cheek and leaned down to kiss him.

"Gosh, Draco. You're so beautiful."

Draco blushed at the comment. Harry walked over towards the bed and toppled on it. Draco, now laying on the bed with Harry over him, tangled his fingers in Harry's hair. Draco felt the soft lips travel down his mouth to his chin and down towards his neck.

Wait, no.

Draco came back to reality and saw Harry still standing there.

"Wait, what did you say?" Draco asked.

"I said tomorrow meet me in the library after DADA."

"Uh, y-yeah sure," Draco stuttered.

Draco was now seriously questioning the symptoms to this curse.

Harry nodded, and exited their dorm. Draco was going to skip the rest of the classes, he needed to figure out what the hell just happened. The vision or daydream felt so realistic.

He had a book about Parseltongue in his trunk. He got it yesterday in the library. He grabbed the book from his trunk and flipped through the pages until he found a relating subtitle.

Cursed Parseltongue:
Cursing someone with Parseltongue is very rare but, can be done. Only by a pureblood or a very powerful half-blood or muggle born Witch or Wizard. If encountered with this such curse you will no longer be able to speak your normal language. Most likely won't be able to write your native language either. Parseltongue will be the only language you'll be able to speak and write. If you encounter another male or female who can speak Parseltongue naturally, than you'll must likely hallucinate vivid and erotic dreams about that such person. This is called 'Poisoning Snake'
This curse can be undone but, only by another natural Parseltongue witch or wizard. We do not know how to undo this curse, that has not been found due to rare amount who can speak Parseltongue naturally.
Written by: Unknown

Draco forcefully closed the book and threw it in his trunk. How could they not know how to undo it? The only person who can undo it is someone who speaks it. But, they still don't know how. Atleast, Draco has someone who can speak it. But, the unfortunate dreams.

Draco fell down on his bed, cursing his father.

𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐞 | drarry Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora