Once I was up I stumbled across the small bathroom to the shower nearly crashing into the glass door as I used it for support. Riley let me go and started turning handles getting the shower at the right temperature soon he walked off leaving me alone in the bathroom.

I stripped off my crumpled, sweaty clothes and stood in the shower gasping as the cold water hit me making my head pound I guess we had no warm water. I scrubbed my self all over until I was red raw ignoring the pain I felt as I touched tender spots I needed pain killers desperately but thy would have to wait I had to decide what tp o with Riley I couldn’t bring him to court with me, a kid his age shouldn’t have to experience that sort f thing I contemplated calling Anna and begging for forgiveness and asking for help but my pride wouldn’t let me I didn’t beg and I certainly didn’t ask for help I could manage by myself.

Once out of the shower I wrapped a towel around me as good as I could. I soon heard a knock on the door. “Karie who’s taking me to school?” someone asked through the wooden door.

“What?”  I shouted making my own head ring.

“Who’s taking me to school now Aunt Julie isn’t here?” Rile whispered louder through the door.

I stumbled towards the door and opened it quickly seeing Riley dressed in his school uniform and a high shouldered school bag on his shoulders. “Damn it school.” I whispered, I had totally forgot school had seemed unimportant in the last few months but I guess it was the opposite for Riley he was a school lover I guess he liked to get away from the drama at home and be a normal boy.

“You did remember right?” He asked looking at me sadly and disappointed.

“Of course I did I mean how could I, forget school I mean its 5 days a week. Of course I didn’t” I lied pushing out a smile, Riley’s face automatically lightened like Christmas lights a huge smile stretching across his face. Shit.

“Why don’t we skip today I mean your already late.” I said hopefully.

“No I need to go to school today.” He said firmly.

“Okay, okay.” I said thinking it over in my head. Pulling the towel tighter around my body I slowly walked to the kitchen. Glancing at the clock that sat on the wall above the bench I saw it was 1 o’clock. Shit

“Okay Ry put some toast on for me and a glass of juice.”  I said hurrying out of the room.

I ran out of the room hitting all doorways as I hurried to my room I had to be at court by 3:00. I could take the bus with Riley and he would be at school by 1:40 personally I didn’t see the point but if he wanted to go to school I would get him to school. I went to the back of my wardrobe  where my sensible clothes lived most the clothes I had now exposed most my body showing the world my stomach piercing and tattoo I was sure that was appropriate for court. I grabbed a pair of black dress pants which I wore at my last court case and a whit button up shirt that covered up my body. Once fully dresses I ran out of my room to find two pieces of toast on a plate, a glass of orange juice and two tablets I guess Riley really did understand my pain.

Swallowing the pills and orange juice in under 10 seconds I grabbed the plate of nearly burnt toast and ran to my aunt’s room grabbing her purse, which she left behind, I mean I couldn’t take the bus without money and I wasn’t begging for a ride.

Soon I was standing in the warm sun my dripping wet hair in a messy bun drying in the sun, with Riley standing next to me straight back, school bag and uniform wore proudly waiting for the bus. I couldn’t help but tap my foot on the concrete pavement impatiently. I needed to drop Riley off and get to court. I still didn’t know how I would pick Riley up on time from school but I would figure that out lately.

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