Scary Stories

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So, two days ago, me and someone else were talking about some real scary stuff. I think I would share them with you guys.

Girl: So, wanna go first?

Me: sure. Here's one story that is real. My friends' mother was little when this happened. It was night. Her mother wanted to go to the bathroom, but shy to ask anyone. The bathroom was just outside, in that box thingy. (I forgot what it was called) Somehow, her sister knew that she wanted to go to the bathroom, so they went together. My friends' moms' sister wanted to go in first, and she did. While the other girl waited outside, she spotted something in the dark. What was it? It was a lump in the ground. Red eyes staring out into the world. The girl screamed loud, and ran back home. When her sister came out, she saw that thing as well. The eyes darted to the sister immediately. She ran home as well. To this day, no one from the family knows what the thing was. 

Here's another one. Its about my grandma. When she was little, she used to go out every night and enjoy the view. One night, everyone was going home, and just a few kids and my grandma was out. In the distance, she saw a white figure. It had long hair. Could it be a ghost? Yes, it was. My grandma, had fainted from it. When she was telling me this, I asked her, "was your hair untied?", she said, "Yes, I think so.", No wonder. A tale goes around, if your hair is untied after evening, something bad might happen? I don't know. All I could remember is that you should not have your hair untied after evening takes place. 

*We both hear a noise*

Me: *Staring at the door*

Girl: *Doesn't dare to look back*

Me: plastic thing that covers the front of the bathroom thing is gone....It was there while I was telling my its gone.... *Shivers*

Girl: W-what if its a ghost?

Me: Nah, probably not.....

*2 minutes later*


Girl: .....isn't that what I said minutes ago?

Me: lemme check... *goes towards the bathroom* its dark in here...Oh, wait...Here's the plastic. On the floor. How can a plastic thing taped, literally taped on the wall fall off? I had just putten the tape on this morning. No one touched it afterwards! The wind can't be that strong!

Girl: who knows...


So, whats your opinion of what happened to the plastic thing? How did it fall off? Vote if you liked. And these are real stories I shared. Thank you for the 300 views! (Rounded it up)

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