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he walked up too her house, it wasn't raining like the stranger had thought; obviously, but it was instead snowing. he liked to think it was close enough. he rang the doorbell, hoping that she wouldn't slam the door on his face.

he heard the door click and from behind it emerged a girl. it wasn't the girl he wanted to see, instead it was her sister.

"hi. is she here? if she is please tell her i want to talk to her. urgently. please. i need to tell her that i love her and that i'm so so sorry that i left her." he said, removing his snow soaked hair out of his face.

"i need her back" he said, voice breaking

her sister looked at him with a look of sadness. eyes that were so similar to hers holding tears that were about to fall.

"i'm so sorry love, she's dead. it was a car accident about month ago, she was drunk and there-there was a jackknifed truck and she just-" her sister burst into tears.

his vision was clouded with tears and without even realising it his teeth had began chattering and he was shaking.

"do you want to come in love? you look like you're freezing" she asked even though the tears were still falling down her face.

he shook his head and mustered up the courage to wave her a polite goodbye and mumbled a small 'sorry for your loss' and even before she could say anything back he turned around and  ran.


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