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     Well hello there to whoever decided to read this. Imma give a warning, there is swearing and Yaoi, ok. If you don't like that don't read it, I don't want to get flamed just because someone doesn't like swearing or Yaoi . But besides that point, thanks for reading my story, I gonna try to keep this fluffy, so, ( if you care) pray that I succeed at this. And I have a thing to say to whoever bothers I'm making another story that just has me asking questions or responding to your questions.

    "Vanitas,...you can't ignore me," I sighed out in expiration. It really sucks when he does this, by this I mean ignoring me. "Vaannniittaass, stop ignoring me, I won't leave you alon-"
      "Are you ever going to shut up?" Was the thing he said right after he pulled me flush against him. "That was a fucking rhetorical question." Awwww, and I had an asshole comment ready to...so I will use it any ways. This also might be considered adding salt to a wound.
     "Well I would shut up if you would stop ignoring me...I mean common Vani you can't leave me all alone"
     "Yes I can. And don't call me Vani" Ouch that stung, well that plan failed so time for plan B. I moved my head and body in a way it would be difficult to type in if even possible, I nuzzled my cheek to his, than pecked him on his lips. He lightly sighed be for slamming our lips together. Well this did not go as I planned at all...
       He pulled back not even a few seconds later, leaving me flushed and slightly mad.
I glared at him annoyed, than resting my head at the crook of his neck. "What are you typing about that so important to ignore me for..?" I was just sulkily whining now, well I have my rights to sulk, ok?
      I heard him sigh annoyed and the faint sound of a lab top closing. "Ventus we have been over this before, I need to work to get money so, A: we aren't living on the streets or with Axel, and B: if you want the damn puppy we will need a shit ton of money to actually pay for it and for toys and exc. And stop whining, it's honestly starting to fucking annoy me."
      "Humph, I know this but..it's boring without you saying something sarcastic or confusing." And as much as I hate to admit it, I love that damn smirk he seems to have on his face half of the time. It's sorta weird that it's not there right now...
         So to explain the situation a little more, both of our parents are dead, we live in a pretty damn good apartment, I want a puppy (a Shiba Inu to be exact), and we are dating. We both do have siblings, his Sora, a guy who doesn't know the meaning of  privacy over half the time. My twin is Roxas, a person who looks just like me, and yes we sometimes do swap clothes to screw with people. Side note they have joined the gay club. (Dare u to guess who I ship with who)
      Now I'm just straddling Vanitas, and not giving a fuck. "You know, as much as a ass you can be, I will still love you."

So, do you think should I do more stories like this? I might do a Riku and Sora one if I get bored, so give me ideas pls! I also am having Vanitas be a person who sells their writing online. Well that is all thank you and goodbye! *waves insanely* side note: think I failed keeping it fluffy... Oh well...

The video is simply cause I can

Just some VanVen fluff (I think at least)Where stories live. Discover now