Forty-five minutes later the bell rang and the classroom sprung into action the noise increased and kids packed up their things and shuffled out of the room. I closed my notebook and gathered my things, slipping out from the desk. I fell in step behind Jackie as we made our way to the door.

"Hey Maci, wait up." I heard Skylar say from behind me.

"I'll meet up with you in class." I said to Jackie coming to a halt.

"You better missy." She said deadpanning.

"Gees, I will no worries." I held my hands up in surrender.

She gave me a playful smile before exiting the room. I turned around and waited while Skylar grabbed his things.

"Thanks for waiting." He said as he came up along side of me. I nodded. "So I was wondering if maybe you want to hang out after school?"

We stepped out into the hallway together. I had my arms wrapped around my books as I clutched them to my chest. "Yeah I'd love to.

"Awesome, I'll wait for you by the student doors at the end of school then."

"Yeah, sounds good." I said, spotting Levi approaching. "I'll see you after school then."

Skylar said bye, before making a hasty exit as Levi closed in. This was going to be torture I could see it already. There was no way Levi was going to make this easy on Skylar, I just hoped Skylar would wait it out. Eventually Levi would realize he was a great guy and they'd probably end up fist bumping it once and being best buds. If only I could make that happen sooner. I didn't like having to mediate between the two, though mostly it was just Levi so far.

"Hey sis." He wrapped his arm around my shoulders, kissing the top of my head.

"Hey." I said as we headed for my next class. "So I think I'm going to hang out with Skylar after school so you don't have to wait for me."

I felt Levi tense up, "You're what?"

"Levi, you heard me and you're not changing my mind." I wasn't harsh just set with my decision.

He groaned, "Fine, just text mom and let her know."

"Don't be like that." I said pulling him to stop in the middle of the hallway. "Why can't I hang out with him? Give me one good reason."

"Its fine, whatever." He grumbled, glancing around at the students passing by us.

"But now you're mad at me."

"No I'm not." I kept my eyes locked on his waiting for his face to soften. "I promise."

I waited for another moment, staring him down, my lips pressed into a thin line. He finally sighed the tension leaving his body and his shoulders slumped just slightly. The telltale sign that I had won.

"I love you Levi." I said, standing on my toes to kiss him on the cheek.

"I love you too."

I gave him a quick hug before making a b-line through the crowd and into my classroom. Jackie looked up at me, a huge grin spread across her face as she bounced in her seat. She patted the desk behind her happily.

"Come sit, tell, I'm dying!"

I rolled my eyes at her but did as I was told. I dropped my things on the desk and leaned forward so I wouldn't have to speak so loud. I gave her a play by play of my date with Skylar. She stared wide eyed at me, a smile as big as Texas across her face.

Surviving Cancerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें